Access Possibilities
A Different Possibility For You And Your Body
Access Possibilities is about awakening to more consciousness and functioning as the energetic infinite conscious being you truly be. It's about knowing what is true for you, following your knowing and not allowing any thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments or lies to limit you or to stop you from being and creating everything you desire as your life. It’s about creating a life greater than you ever imagined possible.
What if life were no longer about solving problems? What if life were about having and being everything you came here to be? What if it were possible to go beyond the limitations of this reality? What if you no longer had to struggle? What if your body could actually guide you to what would create more ease space and possibilities with your body and your life?
Imagine having everything you desire and more. Our target is to empower you to create a life greater than you ever imagined possible. How do you do this? By becoming more conscious. How do you become more conscious? That is exactly what we would like to show you. Consciousness opens the doors to all healing. Consciousness is about accessing the infinite possibilities that are available to you!
Looking For A Different Possibility?

Alternative Solutions
No matter what your health issues or life challenges may be, or you're looking to be proactive in preventative health, or maybe you simply desire something greater or to further your personal development or spiritual growth we offer Alternative Solutions that take a holistic approach to health wellness and living. Do It Yourself (DIY) Alternative Therapies such as Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Crystal Therapy, and Magnetic Therapy, tools for Limitless Living, Body Whispering, Holistic Coaching, Facilitation, Verbal Processing, Holistic Complementary Techniques such as The Bars®, Energetic Facelift and Body Processes, an array of Wellness Workshops, Practitioner Training & Certification, our Responder Holistic Wellness Program, our Veteran Holistic Wellness Program, the possibilities are endless! From reducing stress and anxiety, trauma release, pain relief, reversing the signs of aging, releasing negative thoughts and emotions, addressing major and minor health issues naturally, to creating what the rest of the world considers miracles on a daily basis.

Body Whispering
Body Whispering is the ability to communicate with your body. It is the ability to listen to and know what your body is communicating to you. It’s like learning a new energetic language. Learning how to listen to and communicate with your body can create more peace, space and joy for you and your body. What if it was possible to have more ease and fun with your body and your life? Your body speaks in soft energetic whispers. When your body can’t get your attention, it turns up the volume. When you continue to ignore your body, it eventually starts screaming. We often interpret that screaming as pain or other discomfort. What is your body telling you? Body Whispering is a deeper dive into what else is possible for you and your body.

Limitless Living
Limitless Living is about accessing the infinite possibilities that are available to you. What if you could go beyond limitation and this reality? What if your life could be filled with ease, joy and glory? What if you could have everything you desire and more? When you become aware that you actually create everything that shows up in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, you have a chance to step into much more power and potency. What if life were no longer about solving problems? What if life were about having and being everything you came here to be? If you created your reality beyond limitation, what would it look like? What if you could create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine? What if you could create a life greater than you ever imagined possible?

Access Bars®
When Access Consciousness® first began in 1990; The Bars® was all that was offered. To this day, Access Bars remain the foundation of everything in Access because they’re the beginning of undoing the lie of limitation that you have held in place for many years, even lifetimes. The Bars have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including stress, anxiety, depression, health, trauma, body image, weight, sleep, money, sex and relationships, and so much more! What would it be like to have freedom in all these areas? Access Bars are the starting point of a great adventure and something you add to your life that will assist you in creating greater ease with your body and everything.

Access Energetic Facelift™
What if you could look and feel younger without injecting botulinum, acupuncture needles, or creating other trauma to your body? Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. Access Facelift differs from other alternatives out there in that is gentler, kinder and easier on you and your body. Access Facelift is a hands-on, non-invasive, non-surgical, technique free of creams, injections and chemicals of any kind. Access Energetic Facelift is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process that can deepen and quicken the body's natural healing capacities by creating change on the cellular level. Access Energetic Facelift is a non-invasive, non-surgical, hands-on technique free of creams, injections and chemicals of any kind.

Access Body Processes
Would enjoying your body more change your life? Access Body Processes unlock tension, resistance and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically. Everything from boosting the immune system, weight loss, and age reversal, to creating what the rest of the world would consider miracles on a daily basis. People have experienced dramatic shifts and changes with body size/shape and overall relief from acute and chronic pain and trauma. Their relationships and money issues seem to get easier too. What if we saw the value of our body, instead of the wrongness of it, and what could we create if we had that in our reality? What could we create different? What if our bodies are a great contribution to our lives being different? Access Consciousness includes more than one hundred different hands-on body processes.

Private Sessions With Julie
Private Sessions with Julie will be unlike anything you have ever experienced! Julie's approach is radically different and is geared toward results. Julie facilitates you to tap into and recognize your own knowing and she empowers you to follow what is true for you so that you can create the health, wealth and life you truly desire. Private Sessions with Julie go far beyond traditional coaching, counseling, healing or therapy to give you lasting results more quickly and easily than traditional methods. What gift are you that you haven't yet acknowledged? It’s being the energy that you truly be that creates the most powerful and potent effects in the world. If you could change the unchangeable, what would you choose? Is now the time to be everything you came here to be?

Responder Holistic Wellness Program
We created our Responder Holistic Wellness Program to help first responders and organizations who work with or employ first responders who are concerned about responder mental health. We help responders to reduce stress so that they can increase productivity, prevent burnout, prevent PTSD, reduce time off work, increase career longevity, and improve responder’s quality of life. Our Responder Holistic Wellness Program fosters a holistic approach that not only focuses on responder mental health and wellness, our holistic program also focuses on personal growth and development which allows each participant to learn and implement new life skills and career skills. Our program is tailored for each individual that enters the program so that we can address the issues each individual is experiencing and also focus on prevention.

Veteran Holistic Wellness Program
Our Veteran Holistic Wellness Program was created by Julie D. Mayo to help organizations who work with or employ veterans who are concerned about veteran mental health. We help veterans to reduce stress so that they can increase productivity, prevent burnout, increase career longevity, prevent post-traumatic stress, reduce time off work, and improve veteran’s quality of life. Our Veteran Holistic Wellness Program fosters a holistic approach that not only focuses on veteran mental health and wellness, our holistic program also focuses on personal growth and development which allows each participant to learn and implement new life skills and career skills. Our program is tailored for each individual that enters the program so that we can address the issues each individual is experiencing and also focus on prevention.

Wellness Workshops
Are you looking for a different possibility? Our wellness workshops, classes and events will be unlike anything you have ever attended. Our wellness workshops will take you on a journey beyond health and wellness and transform your life by empowering you to know what is true for you. Whether you are looking to reap the benefits personally by relaxing and nurturing your body with healing energies, you have a health challenge that you have not yet been able to change, or you work on other people's bodies and would like to enhance the healing you can do for others, our wellness workshops may be just what you are looking for. Our wellness workshops, classes and events create more ease in the body, increase self-awareness, increase body-awareness, release limitation trauma and restrictions, alleviate stress anxiety and depression, reduce or eliminate acute and chronic pain, reverse the effects of aging, and activate the body's innate ability to balance and self-heal.

Practitioner Training
Do you have a capacity for healing that you haven't yet tapped into? Are you a massage therapist, chiropractor, bodyworker, practitioner, medical doctor, nurse or caregiver looking for a way to enhance the healing you can do for your clients? Access Bars, Access Energetic Facelift and Access Body Processes are gentle touch hands-on holistic complementary therapies that activate the body's innate ability to balance and self-heal. These alternative therapies do not interfere with any conventional or alternative treatments or therapy and have been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities. These alternative therapies are unique in that they increase self-awareness, increase body-awareness, and create a greater connection with the body. These gentle touch hands-on techniques create deep relaxation and dynamic change, and can be learned by anyone. Practitioner certification is available upon class completion. There are more than 50 different classes and certifications available.

Equine Possibilities
Do you know that every animal, plant and structure, every molecule on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you? If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to receive in every area of your life - the money you can have, what you can experience, and what is possible for you. Horses are amazing creatures. Horses are like your body; they are aware. Horses like all animals function from consciousness. They know what they desire, they know what they require, and they know what will actually work for them. They don't have a mind to get in their way. Equine Possibilities is about creating greater connections between beings, bodies, equines and the planet. Did you know that peace is a natural state for animals? This is true for people too, but our minds often get in the way of us being still, peaceful, and totally present.

Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil Therapy, is the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. This holistic therapy seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process. Essential oils are the volatile liquids distilled from plants utilized for their aromatic and healing properties. Essential oils can be used to promote balance, healing and to assist one to achieve holistic health. Essential oils are the most concentrated and potent of all plant extracts. Essential oils are approximately 75 to 100 times more concentrated than dried herbs. One drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of herbal tea.

Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy is the application of crystals on or around the body for balancing and healing purposes. All stones, gemstones, and minerals - whether raw, natural, tumbled, or cut into precious gems are referred to as crystals when they are used for their therapeutic properties. Crystals heal holistically; they work on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This holistic remedy dissolves dis-ease by getting to the root cause. Crystal Healing has been used by crystal healers for centuries to bring balance to the body and assist the body to self-heal. Today, Crystal Therapy is gaining popularity and crystals are being used to alleviate common ailments from minor aches and pains to major health issues and imbalances. Crystals can also be placed in your environment so that you and your family can reap the benefits of this holistic therapy. Even the novice can learn how to use and benefit from this natural alternative holistic therapy.

Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic Therapy, also known as Magnet Therapy or Biomagnetic Therapy, is a body-energy therapy that involves the application of magnets or magnetic fields to the human body for the purpose of healing or health benefits. Magnet Therapy is a holistic therapy that is most commonly known for it's ability to alleviate pain. However, this natural therapy offers numerous other health benefits. By enhancing the body’s natural energy fields, Magnetic Therapy is thought to stimulate the metabolism and increase circulation thereby increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells. This natural therapy is used to relieve stress, depression, headaches and pain, to accelerate and promote healing, and to slow disease processes such as cancer and infections. This alternative therapy dates back to antiquity, yet it is still used in complementary and alternative medicine and today.
"Julie is awesome!" |
"Julie is awesome! So much has already shifted. She helped me to heal the loss of my one of my greatest love, my Shih Tzu, Happypants. In addition, the work we have done has cleared some of the stressors in my life and the drama that kept reoccurring. She also helped me to get past some past relationship issues. She's powerful!" Cynthia |
"Julie is wonderful!" |
"Julie is wonderful! She is genuine about the purpose of sharing the healing powers of Access Bars. I have attended two of the body processes classes she has facilitated. Both classes were more than I expected! She communicates well so that everything runs smoothly. Thank you Julie for sharing all your knowledge and being an inspiration." Anne |
"Thank you Julie for opening my world up." |
"What am I supposed to be doing? What is my purpose? Those were the questions I had prior to being exposed to Access Consciousness. I have been a mental health therapist for over 10 years and wanted to do more. I felt like there were still other ways to help people and that I was limited in how much I could help. It was not until I took an Access Consciousness Introduction with Julie, that I realized how limited I was and how I was limiting my life. After an hour session, my life changed tremendously. It was as if I was able to see infinite possibilities in my life and that they were attainable. Because of this introduction I have chosen to also become a holistic practitioner and am now sharing the tools with family and friends to help them clear their limitations. I have noticed a significant change in my relationships and my bank account, because I truly, choose to live a life of ease, joy and glory and live in question. How does it get any better than that and what else is possible? Thank you Julie for opening my world up." Shimeka |
Access Possibilities Blog

Access Bars Class | Apr 20 2025

Secrets From The Body Whisperer | Mar 22-23 2025

Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness | Mar 21 2025
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