Handcrafted Jewelry Customizations

Handcrafted Jewelry Customizations | Custom Jewelry | Access PossibilitiesHandcrafted Jewelry Customizations And Pricing

While all of our handcrafted jewelry is custom made, over the years we have found that some customers desire customized jewelry beyond that which is listed on our website. For that reason, we have put together this customization and pricing guide to give you an idea of what is available and the approximate associated cost.

To approximate the total cost, be sure to include the cost of the original piece of jewelry, and then add the appropriate customizations. The starting price of our Handcrafted jewelry is currently as follows: bracelets start at $32, anklets start at $38, necklaces start at $60, and jewelry extenders start at $12.

Bracelet Customizations

Simple Customization (1 stone, 2-4 beads) .... $6.00 and up.*

Mid-Range Customization (1-2 stones, 2-4 beads) .... $10 and up.*

Complex Customizations (2+ stones, 4+ beads, and/or pattern change) .... $12 and up.*

Installation of Charm (purchase or supply charm) .... $10 and up, per charm.**

*Extra charge for specially beads.

**Extra charge for charms or supply your own, additional cost for parts may apply.

Anklet Customizations

Simple Customization (1 stone, 2-6 beads) .... $10.00 and up.*

Mid-Range Customization (1-2 stones, 2-6 beads) .... $14 and up.*

Complex Customizations (2+ stones, 6+ beads, and/or pattern change) .... $20 and up.*

Installation of Charm (purchase or supply charm) .... $10 and up, per charm.**

*Extra charge for specially beads.

**Extra charge for charms or supply your own, additional cost for parts may apply.

Necklace Customizations

Simple Customization (1 stone, 2-8 beads) .... $12.00 and up.*

Mid-Range Customization (1-2 stones, 2-8 beads) .... $16 and up.*

Complex Customizations (2+ stones, 6+ beads, and/or pattern change) .... $24 and up.*

Installation of Pendent (purchase or supply charm or pendant) .... $10 and up.**

*Extra charge for specially beads.

**Extra charge for pendant or supply your own, additional cost for parts may apply.

Jewelry Extender Customizations

Simple Customization (magnetic beads in special pattern or size) .... $6.00 and up.*

Simple Customization (gemstone beads in special pattern or stone) .... $6.00 and up.*

*Extra charge for specially beads.

The above pricing is simply a guideline to help you determine what is available and the approximate costs for additional jewelry customizations. Prices are estimated and subject to change at any time without notice.

Customization Instructions

If you would like a to order any customized handcrafted jewelry that is not listed on our website contact us and let us know what you would like to purchase. Once we agree on a style, customization and pricing, we will send you an invoice. Once the invoice is paid, your item will be handmade and shipped. All sales are final.

Customizing Handcrafted Jewelry

Handcrafted Apatite and Lapis Lazuli Magnetite Necklace with Matching EarringsWhen I first began making Handcrafted Magnetite Magnetic Jewelry, I discovered that the possibilities of styles and looks were infinite. Unfortunately, I also soon discovered that with all the choices, it was easy for some customers to get a bit overwhelmed and have a bit of difficulty selecting a piece of jewelry. So, I did my best to restrain myself and stopped creating new styles, although sometimes something screams out at me and demands to be created!

I've had fun over the years, especially when a customer askes me to create a special piece with particular stones, or to put together a custom piece with various gemstones due to their particular metaphysical and healing properties. On many occasions I've added a customer's favorite pendant to a Magnetite magnetic necklace.

Sometimes a customer will even bring me a piece of their favorite jewelry and ask if I can make a necklace, bracelet and/or earrings to match, such as was the case shown in the photo above. This customer wanted a necklace and earrings made with stick chip gemstones that would match her bracelet. See my customer creation above!

Access Possibilities Handcrafted Cylinder And Round Magnetite Magnetic Bracelet | Customized with Red Jasper & Tiger Eye

Above is a photo of our Handcrafted Cylinder And Round Magnetite Magnetic Bracelet. The bracelet next to it is our bracelet of the same style that a customer wanted customized with Red Jasper and Tiger Eye gemstone beads. A very attractive and therapeutic combination!

Are you creative? What jewelry would you like to have specially made that you would enjoy wearing or giving as a gift? Let us customize a special piece of jewelry just for you!

All Of Life Comes To Me With Ease, Joy & Glory!®
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