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Access Possibilities: A Different Possibility For You And Your Body

About Access Possibilities

Access Possibilities specializes in Alternative Solutions for Holistic Health and Wellness. Access Possibilities is about empowering you to function as the infinite being your truly be. It's about going beyond the limitation and this reality and creating a reality that works for you! What if you could expand your life beyond what you ever imagined possible?

Mission Statement

To provide holistic health and wellness information, education and support to consumers, professionals, organizations and the community at large; we are committed to mental health awareness, holistic wellness and empowering each person to create the health, wealth and life they truly desire.

Access Possibilities History

Julie founded Natural Magnetism in 2007 and began educating people about alternative solutions, alternative therapies, holistic health and living a holistic lifestyle. In early 2011, Julie discovered the tools of Access Consciousness®. Having noticed how easy it was to create change with her body and her life, by December of 2011, Julie earned her certification as an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator.

“As I began using the tools of Access and having my Bars run I was amazed at how quickly and easily things started to change; especially when compared to all the other modalities I had done in previous years. This was a real game changer for me!” Julie D. Mayo

Over the next several years, Natural Magnetism grew, changed, evolved and morphed into Access Possibilities.

“I’ve helped people change things that they thought were impossible to change, and with such ease and lasting results. That’s huge! I’ve seen nothing else like it. The tools of Access Consciousness are weird, wild and wacky… and they work! There is nothing more fun than empowering a person, plant or animal to have more, be more, and overcome their limitations.” Julie D. Mayo

Access Possibilities: What if you could expand your life beyond what you ever imagined possible?

Our Approach

Through the use of Alternative Therapies, Body Whispering, and tools for Limitless Living, Julie empowers you to access to the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Julie shows you how to relate to your body in a totally different way, and empowers you to claim, own and acknowledge your unique talents, gifts and abilities so that you can have more ease, joy and possibilities with your body and your life. Julie empowers you to create a life greater than you ever imagined possible.

"Functioning from Consciousness is like turning the lights on. In the dark, even in a familiar place, it can be difficult to navigate and it's easy to bump into things along the way. When you 'turn the lights on by becoming more conscious' life becomes easier, and you have tools that can help you to navigate and create what you truly desire in life." Julie D. Mayo

Meet Julie D. Mayo

Meet Julie D Mayo, Access Possibilities Founder and Creator

BIO: Julie D. Mayo

Julie D. Mayo is a Holistic Life Coach, Consciousness Facilitator, Body Whispering Facilitator, Trauma Specialist and founder of Access Possibilities. Julie's approach is quite unique. She facilitates people to claim own and acknowledge their knowing, talents, gifts and abilities. Julie empowers people to know what is true for them, and facilitates them to follow their knowing so that they can create the health wealth and life they truly desire.

About Julie D. Mayo

Julie has always had a sense of what was going on for people and their bodies, and that she had the ability to communicate with bodies. Later in life Julie realized that her past health issues originated from the fact that she had been denying these abilities. As Julie embraced her and her body's own unique capacities as a healer and body whisperer, she was able to resolve her own health issues. Today, Julie enjoys empowering others to do the same.

We all have talents, abilities and capacities, so do our bodies. When we don't acknowledge our gifts, we perpetrate the very opposite on ourselves, and on our bodies. After having experienced this in her own life, Julie created Access Possibilities to empower people to claim, own and acknowledge their own unique capacities and to step into their greatness.

Julie's Approach

Julie's approach is quite unique. Julie facilitates people to tap into and recognize their own knowing, abilities and capacities. Julie enjoys working with people, plants and animals, and inviting them and their bodies to a different possibility.

For those who are looking for something greater, Julie will take you on a journey of self-discovery where she will facilitate and empower you as you increase your self-awareness, increase your body-awareness, expand your consciousness, explore infinite possibilities, and have a greater sense and awareness of what being conscious is truly about.

"As a Body Whispering Facilitator, I empower people to claim, own and acknowledge their talents, gifts and abilities so that they can have more peace, joy and magic with their body and their life." Julie D. Mayo

Whether it's health issues, life challenges, trauma, personal growth and development, furthering your spiritual journey, or you simply desire more, Julie's approach is radically different and is geared toward results! Learn more about Julie's unique holistic approach.

Julie's Experience

Julie’s experience draws from 25 years in Allopathic (Western) Medicine, more than 20 years in Alternative Medicine, more than 15 years as a Holistic Life Coach, more than 12 years as a Consciousness Facilitator, Body Whispering Facilitator and Trauma Specialist.

In the last 30+ years Julie has experienced and worked with many different alternative therapies, holistic therapies, healing modalities and personal growth and development techniques such as Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Healing Touch (HT), Hands on Healing (HOH), Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Access Consciousness to name a few. Julie enjoys working with people and inviting them and their bodies to a different possibility. She enjoys working with plants and animals too!

"The tools of Access are by far my favorite tools to work with. I've seen the tools and processes create change in my personal life much quicker and easier than any tools I've used to date, and they yield lasting results. I see the same results with the clients I work with too. It's not actually about the tools themselves, it's about living in the question, being in total allowance, being totally present, increasing your awareness and functioning from consciousness." Julie D. Mayo

Julie has 12+ years of direct work experience helping clients to improve and resolve issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, physical mental emotional and psychological trauma, post-traumatic stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), acute and chronic pain, incidents accidents and injuries, chemical and toxic exposure, cancer and terminal illness, detoxification, entities, boosting immune system, body issues, age reversal, preoperative and postoperative care, abuse (verbal abuse, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, violations of privacy, spiritual abuse, financial abuse, self-abuse), addiction, compulsive behaviors, body image, Bipolar disorder, grief, anger, self-doubt, self-judgment, hallucinations, self-harm, suicidal ideation, triggering, ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism.

Julie's Credentials

Body Whispering Facilitator, Access Bars Facilitator, Access Body Process Facilitator, Access Facelift Facilitator, Access Consciousness Facilitator, Access Consciousness Maestro, Abuse Hold Practitioner, Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment Practitioner, Symphony Practitioner, ESE Practitioner, Healing Touch Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Hands on Healing Practitioner, Crystal Therapy Practitioner.


Thank you Julie for opening my world up. | Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Thank you Julie for opening my world up."

"What am I supposed to be doing? What is my purpose? Those were the questions I had prior to being exposed to Access Consciousness. I have been a mental health therapist for over 10 years and wanted to do more. I felt like there were still other ways to help people and that I was limited in how much I could help. It was not until I took an Access Consciousness Introduction with Julie, that I realized how limited I was and how I was limiting my life. After an hour session, my life changed tremendously. It was as if I was able to see infinite possibilities in my life and that they were attainable. Because of this introduction I have chosen to also become a holistic practitioner and am now sharing the tools with family and friends to help them clear their limitations. I have noticed a significant change in my relationships and my bank account, because I truly, choose to live a life of ease, joy and glory and live in question. How does it get any better than that and what else is possible? Thank you Julie for opening my world up."





All Of Life Comes To Me With Ease, Joy & Glory!®
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