91 Days of Q: Questions To Help You Create The Life You Desire
91 Days of Q: Questions To Help You Create The Life You Desire by Mary-Jane Liddicoat (Book-Paperback)
After decades of looking for answers, Mary-Jane realized there were none.
Instead, she discovered the power of the question and how it was always a Q that helped create the changes she was looking for.
This is the first collection of Qs selected from her online service The Daily Q.
Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: Mary-Jane Liddicoat (2012)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0987204851
Product Dimensions: 5.81 x 0.5 x 8.25 inches
Author: Mary-Jane Liddicoat
Genre: Personal Transformation, Self-Help, Self-actualization (Psychology)
About The Author
Mary-Jane has over 25 years public and private sector professional experience including as a diplomat, in public affairs, business planning, and health beauty and wellness sectors. She has mastered Japanese, Arabic and Korean and somehow found time to raise three children. She now lives between Korea and Australia and is always asking 'how does it get even better than this?' (which seems to annoy quite a few people).