30 Day Veteran Holistic Wellness Program
30 Day Veteran Holistic Wellness Program
What if eliminating stress and trauma could be easier and more relaxing than you ever imagined possible?
Our 30 Day Veteran Holistic Wellness Program is for Veterans who would like to improve overall mental health and achieve holistic wellness.
Our Veteran Holistic Wellness Program fosters a holistic approach that focuses on veteran mental health and wellness. Our holistic program also focuses on personal growth and development which allows each participant to learn and implement new life skills and career skills.
This program is tailored for each individual that enters the program so that we can address the issues each individual is experiencing and also focus on prevention.
Whether you are looking to move beyond any trauma or prevent post-traumatic stress and related symptoms, this program may be just what you are looking for.
30 Day Veteran Holistic Wellness Program Includes:
- 4 - 90 minute sessions (1 in-person session per week for 4 weeks)
Each session typically begins with about 30 minutes of Verbal Processing followed by approximately 60 minutes of Access Bars with Trifold Sequencing Systems. Each session is tailored to each person during each visit.
Access Bars®
Access Bars have been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, dissipating mind chatter, releasing trauma, reducing overwhelm, decreasing negative and limiting thought patterns, changing negative behavioral patterns, improving overall wellbeing, and increasing feelings of calmness, inner peace, happiness and gratitude.
Access Bars with Trifold Sequencing Systems
Access Bars have been reported to be very effective at releasing trauma. Running The Bars® while running Trifold Sequencing Systems simultaneously have an even more dynamic affect for those who have experienced trauma or are experiencing post-traumatic stress.
People have reported that the endless loop of re-experiencing the traumatic event that occurs for many who suffer with post-traumatic stress seemed to fade away and they no longer experienced triggers as they did before.
Verbal Processing
Verbal Processing goes far beyond traditional coaching, counseling or therapy to give you lasting results quicker and easier than traditional methods. This process unlocks limitation and empowers you to tap into your knowing and to know what will actually work for you. By unlocking limitations and following what is true for you, you can create the health, wealth and life you truly desire.
Holistic Complementary Therapies
Holistic complementary therapies activate the body’s innate ability to self-heal. They complement any conventional or alternative treatment or therapy and have been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities.
This program can be taken by a veteran at any time. Program can be repeated as often as desired. Prevention isn't something you do once and then you're done, especially when you have a career where you face work-related stress on a daily basis.
Access Bars and Trifold Sequencing Systems is a hands-on process that requires being done in person to receive the full benefits. All sessions will be in-person sessions. Allow up to 90 minutes for each session.
Booking Instructions
Add item to cart and complete the checkout process. Once order notification is received, someone will contact you to book your appointment(s).