Body Whispering Session
Body Whispering Session with Julie D. Mayo
Do you have ease with everything regarding your body? Are you aware that your body is conscious and knows exactly what it desires and requires?
Body Whispering is the ability to communicate with your body. It is the ability to listen to and know what your body is communicating to you. Body Whispering is a deeper dive into what else is possible for you and your body. What if it was possible to have more ease and fun with your body and your life?
During a Body Whispering Session Julie will ask you questions and communicate with your body to get an awareness of what is actually going on for you and your body. Julie will facilitate you in clearing limitations and whatever comes up that is preventing you from having more ease with your body. Julie will empower you and give you some tools and processes you can use daily to create more ease with your body and to begin creating a greater connection with your body.
Body Whispering Session is available in person, by phone or videoconference. Choose 50 minute or 80 minute session.
Booking Instructions
Booking is a 2-step process. Complete both steps now to secure appointment.
Step 1. Make Payment: Select option(s), add to cart, complete checkout process.
Step 2. Schedule appointment at Body Whispering Session Booking Page. (These steps can also be completed in reverse order).