Ask Your Body About Everything That Concerns It
Posted by Julie D. Mayo
Are you aware that your body is conscious and knows exactly what it desires and requires? Have you ever asked your body about the things that concern it? We tend to dictate what our body is going to eat, wear or do. That seems to be our normal mode of operation.
Is it no wonder so many people are walking around on the planet with little or no connection to their bodies? Many of us gave that up when we were little kids.
What if we were to start asking our bodies about everything that concerns it? What could that create?
Tool: Ask Your Body About Everything That Concerns It

To get you started, here are some questions you can ask your body...
Body, what you would like to eat?
Body, what would you like to wear? Or not wear? ; )
Body, who would you like to have sex with?
Body, what movement would you like to do today?
If you are looking to purchase a car ask...
Body, what kind of car would be fun to drive?
If you are looking for a new place to live ask...
Body, where would you like to live that would be fun and nurturing for both of us?
When you ask your body a question, be present with your body. It will give you the information if you are willing to receiving it. The more you practice asking your body questions, the easier it will be to get what your body is communicating to you. It's like building a new muscle. The more you do it, the easier it will get.
Asking your body about everything that concerns it is a way to begin creating a greater connection with your body. What if you could have more ease and joy with your body than you ever imagined possible?
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