Access Bars Research

Access Bars backed by published scientific research!
Access Bars research was first conducted in 2015 by Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin, a Neuroscientist from Glendale, Arizona. Science is once again beginning to catch up to what Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness® has known for more than 30 years.
Those who are familiar with and have been running Access Bars® in the world know that The Bars can create dynamic and amazing change in people. Now, we're beginning to get the scientific proof that validates it from somebody coming at it that didn't try to prove it.
Dr. Fannin's Introduction To The Bars®
Dr. Fannin's point of view was "wow, I wonder what this does?" Cause he never had his Bars run before, and never heard of Access before, until he was introduced to Gary and Dain at the Secret Knock Conference.
Approaching it from a purely research prospective, during the conference Dr. Fannin did some brain mapping on someone before and immediately after they experienced a 90 minute Access Bars session. Later, when Dr. Fannin analyzed the data, he was astounded.
"… my jaw dropped; I was so astounded. This is the very first time I have seen a brain do what we are about to show you." Dr. Jeffrey Fannin
He discovered that Access Bars have a positive neurological effect on the recipient greater than those experienced by advanced meditators and it produced these results immediately.
Review of Access Bars by Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin
The video below is a review of what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session. Presented by neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, creators of Access Consciousness. Filmed by My Imagination TV at the Secret Knock Conference in San Diego, California March of 2015.
Dr. Fannin Pursues Bars Research
After being astounded by the results, Dr. Fannin went on to experience a Bars session for himself. He also had his entire staff receive an Access Bars Session. Never having seen anything affect the brain like this in more than 16 years of extensive research, Dr. Fannin was anxious to conduct further research on the Access Bars.
A 90 minute Bars session created more change in the brain than was seen when he mapped people's brains that had practiced meditation regularly and meditated for up to 2 hours at a time. These findings are what inspired Dr. Fannin to conduct Access Bars Research.
About Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, an MBA and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications. He is the founder and Executive Director for the Center for Cognitive Enhancement and Thought Genius, LLC.
He has worked in the neuroscience field, mapping and analyzing the brain for over 17 years. Dr. Fannin has extensive experience training the brain for optimal brain performance working with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), anxiety disorders, depression, and trauma recovery.
Dr. Fannin has been involved in cutting-edge research, using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology, to accurately measure balanced brainwave energy he has identified as the whole-brain state. Engaging this process forms symmetrical brain wave pattern in both hemispheres of the brain and creates harmony from front to back.
Dr. Fannin’s recent research interest pursues the effect of subtle energy in the quantum field and consciousness affecting the brain.
Access Consciousness Bars Research 2015
Through Global Neuroscience Research Foundation
by Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D.
Research Summary
Research by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin et al, with 60 participants examined the neurological effects of the Access Bars. By measuring brain waves on people before and after a Bars session, this research revealed that 85% of the participants indicated an increase in brain coherence. Additionally, he discovered that Access Bars has a positive neurological effect on the recipient similar to those experienced by advanced meditators – and it produces these results immediately.
We found an interesting correlation at the brainwave frequency 1Hz (Hertz). This is the connection to the morphogenetic field, our human connection to the universal energy that connects each of us to each other. 96% of the participants had elevated 1 Hz activity (3 standard deviations above normal). After many years of research, we know that 3 standard deviations above normal at 1 Hz is a connection to the energy field around us and is a signature that is present when a person is either an energy healer or receiving healing energy themselves.
Our research also revealed an interesting phenomenon. We found that 63% of those participating in this research project had elevated activity (3 standard deviations above normal) at 22 Hz. After seeing this phenomenon in other research projects, it led us to the understanding that this signature is related to higher states of consciousness. Rather than using traditional ranges of 1-30 Hz, we used a grouping that is often used for measuring higher states of consciousness creating two ranges, 15-22 Hz and 22-38 Hz. The crossover points of this grouping became obvious at 22 Hz. The brainwave activity that is 3 standard deviations above normal at 22 Hz is identified as a high level of engagement; the brain is involved in the activity of figuring things out. It also involves high complexity of thought, as the brain is integrating new experiences.
Biggest Findings:
- 85% of the participants in this study had a change in their QEEG coherence.
- 63% of the participants, after receiving the Bars Process were in an emotional and/or physical transition.
Further Access Bars Scientific Research
Scientific research by Dr. Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment in November 2017 has revealed the results of one 90 minute Access Bars® session indicated a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety.
In the video below, Dr. Hope discusses her research findings with Access Consciousness Co-Creator Dr. Dain Heer.
The Effects of Access Bars on Anxiety and Depression: A Pilot Study (2017)
By Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD, DNM, DFMW
Abstract Excerpt
Anxiety and depression are highly prevalent disorders that result in human suffering. The consequences to the individual include increased health care utilization, disability, and decreased income; depression, at its current prevalence, impacts global economic output as well. Access Bars, a noninvasive energy therapy technique, was evaluated for its effects on anxiety and depression using both subjective self-report and objective brain-scanning measures.
From the results of four scientifically valid standardized questionnaires and through measuring brainwave patterns using brain mapping (QEEG), Dr. Hope discovered in her study that Access Bars reduced the severity of anxiety symptoms by 84.7% (average). Participants had a reduction in the severity of depression symptoms by 82.7% (average). The results of brainwave measurements before and after Access Bars showed an increase in brain coherence in all participants, indicating a change toward a normal state after the session.
The results of brainwave measurements before and after Access Bars® showed an increase in brain coherence in all participants, indicating a change toward a normal state after the session. Brain wave coherence is associated with communication between brain regions and researchers have found that optimal brain coherence is correlated with many things such as intelligence, learning ability, alertness, reaction time and creativity.
The significant decreases in severity shown in this research suggest that Access Bars may be effective as a treatment for anxiety and depression. Dr. Hope is planning on more extensive research in the near future.
Study Summary
Seven participants in this research had anxiety or depression or both ranging from mild to severe. The test methods were 4 standardized subjective questionnaires and objective testing Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) known as brain mapping. Questionnaires used were The Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, State, Trait Anxiety Inventory and The Maryland State and Trait Depression Scale.
The primary goal of the research was to examine whether Access Bars has an effect on anxiety and depression. All participants tested positive for trait anxiety in pretest. This type of anxiety is distinguished as character trait anxiety that is long standing versus (temporary) state anxiety.
- All participants had lower scores in the subjective test questionnaire
- These results were statistically significant with most results having at least a less than 97% chance of occurring by chance alone
- Severity of anxiety symptoms were decreased by 84.7%* (average)
- Severity of depression symptoms were decreased by 82.7%** (average)
- QEEG measurement results showed a statistically significant increase in brain coherence
Note: Brain wave coherence is associated with communication between brain regions. Researchers have found that optimal brain coherence is correlated with many things such as intelligence, learning ability, alertness, reaction time and creativity.
- Treatment with Access Bars was associated with a significant decrease in the severity of symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- The results suggest that Access Bars may be effective as a treatment for anxiety and depression.
- Brain Coherence was increased in all participants. This measurement is an indicator of communication between different brain regions.
Highest Reported Changes
*Beck Anxiety Inventory Questionnaire
**Beck Depression Inventory Questionnaire
Published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(2), 26–38. November 2017 - doi:10.9769/EPJ.2017.9.2.TH
The research abstract and full documentation can be found at The Journal of Energy Psychology.
The Effects of Access Bars on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Police Officers (2023)
By Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD, DNM, DFMW
Abstract Excerpt
Police officers in the United Kingdom (UK) have clinical levels of anxiety and depression and comorbid presentations of major depression and anxiety, at rates significantly higher than reported in the general population.
Risk of stress is significant and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among police officers is now at a crisis level in the UK, affecting one in five officers. Complex PTSD (the result of chronic exposure to trauma) affects 12% of the working police population, resulting in a diminishing number of working officers.
Access Bars, a noninvasive energy technique was evaluated for its effects on depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD, presented either singularly or in a comorbid state using subjective self-report measures.
Study Summary
This case series included participants (n = 4) aged between 36 and 52 years who were police officers referred for treatment with a clinical diagnosis of one or more of depression, anxiety, stress, or PTSD.
All participants had been previously treated with standardized methods and continued to present with mild to severe symptoms. Treatments were provided by a licensed Access Bars Facilitator at a naturopathic clinic in Hampshire, UK.
The primary measure was the standardized self-report method, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale–21 (DASS-21), with the addition of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) to evaluate PTSD in one participant. All were evaluated prior to receiving seven 60-minute sessions over seven weeks, with post evaluations upon completion of the last session.
All methods of evaluation showed a decrease in scores for all post measurements. DASS-21 depression scores had the highest pre scores, with 75% in the extremely severe category. Mean scores declined from 31 to 7.5 (75%, p = 0.02). Mean anxiety scores decreased from 20 to 12 (59%, p = 0.007) and mean stress scores declined from 24 to 8.5 (64%, p = 0.002). A secondary classification of a single participant classified as “acute needs” (AN; n = 1) had additional psychometric evaluations using BAI and PCL-5. BAI scores decreased from 26 to 16 (38%, p = 0.001) and PCL-5 scores declined from 38 to 18 (20 points or 51%, p < 0.001). An 18-point decrease for PCL-5 is considered a clinically significant change.
Treatment with Access Bars showed a significant decrease in depression, anxiety, and stress in police officers where significant symptoms remained after standardized treatments. Simultaneous improvement was demonstrated in comorbid anxiety, depression, and stress. These results suggest that Access Bars shows promise as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress and may contribute to clinical improvement in PTSD.
Energy Psychology Theory, Research & Treatment: Volume 15, Number 2, November 2023 - doi: 10.9769/EPJ.2023.15.2.TH
The research abstract and full documentation can be found at The Journal of Energy Psychology.
What contribution could Access Bars be to your life, living and reality?
Experience the Access Bars through an Access Bars Private Session or by taking an Access Bars Class. Is now the time to have more ease, peace and joy for you and your body?