Equine Possibilities
Equine Possibilities: Creating Greater Connections Between Beings, Bodies, Equines and the Planet
Did you know that peace is a natural state for animals? This is true for people too, but our minds often get in the way of us being still, peaceful, and totally present. When you create or tap into a place of peace for a horse or animal, everything becomes calm, cool and collected - you're in the zone.
Do you know that every animal, plant and structure, every molecule on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you? If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to receive in every area of your life - the money you can have, what you can experience, and what is possible for you.
Did you know animals can talk? It's interesting to observe animals misbehaving when we don't listen to them. They know what the require and they will communicate that to you, if you're able to receive it. Animals telepathically pick up on all your thoughts, feelings and emotions. That's language to them and they give the whole picture of what's going on for them, if you ask them a question.
One of the greatest gifts that animals give us is the way they receive from us without question, without judgment, and without limitation. They give us the opportunity to do the one thing that most of us never get the chance to do, totally gift everything we have without limitation or consideration.
Animals are more conscious that you are. When you acknowledge their consciousness, they will start to behave differently with you. They can teach you how to have a more expansive reality, and they'll give this to you if you'll listen. Animals can help you learn to function with the Earth. That's the value of being able to communicate with them.
Horses are amazing creatures. Horses are like your body; they are aware. They function from consciousness. They know what they desire, they know what they require, and they know what will actually work for them. They don't have a mind to get in their way.
Horses and other domesticated animals will pick up on whatever we project at them. This can create unease in their universe, dis-ease in their body, and what we would call behavioral problems or other issues. They, like our bodies, are doing their best to communicate with us, but we tend not to listen. Horses don't speak in words. They communicate telepathically, and each person may perceive it differently. We just need to learn how to listen. All animals, equines and otherwise, communicate telepathically. This is true for most people on the spectrum as well. We all have this capacity, but this is not what we've been taught.
Raven's Story

My initial training of Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE) took place more than 10 years ago with the founder of the work, Suzy Godsey, on a ranch about an hour north of Sunshine Coast, Australia, where we worked on horses for 3 days. Such a wonderful experience!
It was so amazing to see how much these horses were willing to receive and how much they changed in just 3 short days! About 5 years later I heard about Raven and saw her before and after ESSE photos. I had to re-tell her story!
Raven, a 3 year old Arabian mare at the time, tried to jump out of her stall overnight and nearly cut her leg off. Raven's owner was attending a 4-day ESSE class at the time, where they were working on horses and people bodies.
Raven's owner came in on day 3 nearly hysterical. The vet wouldn’t even treat her horse. The wound was filled with maggots and she was written off. He recommended that the horse be put down. The owner brought this horse to class, as a last ditch effort to save her.
"When working with Raven I was able to see what ESSE really does that I never knew before! I’m amazed with this work, what Gary Douglas calls, “The Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment." Glenna Rice, ESSE Instructor
I too continue to be amazed by this work. With what can be created with all bodies, people bodies, equine bodies and other animal bodies too! Nothing short of miracles!
"ESSE deconstructs the glue of judgment that keeps all things in limitation and bodies in pain." Gary Douglas, Access Consciousness Founder
Equine Services

Equine Services with Julie will be unlike anything you or your horse have experienced! Julie's approach is radically different. Julie facilitates equines in many different areas - health issues, behavioral challenges, trauma or abuse, loss of spirit, off their feed, not getting along with people or other horses, not acting like themselves, or maybe you simply desire a greater connection with your horse. No matter what the issue may be, Julie offers alternative solutions that work! Learn more about ESSE for Horses and our other Equine Services.
Equines And Bodies
Years ago equines chose to create a partnership with man. Mankind would not be where he is today if it wasn't for this contributory partnership. Horses are like our bodies in many ways, and there is much we can learn from them. Equines can facilitate us to be greater. To receive more. To be more aware. To be more space. To function from consciousness. To have more ease. To be more connected to the Earth, and to actually function as the Earth.
Beings And Bodies
You are an infinite being, and you have a body. You are you. Your body is your body. You should have a connection with your body, a great connection actually, but you are not one and the same.
As an infinite being you have the capacity to perceive, know, be and receive everything. Though sometimes, actually quite often, our mind gets in the way of our knowing. Our mind gets in the way of us functioning from consciousness. Our mind gets in the way of us having, receiving, doing and being everything we are capable of being.
Your body is conscious and knows what it desires and requires. Your body knows what will actually work for it, and you. Your body is a sensational, sensate, sensorial organism designed to give you information. Your body is giving you information all the time. Our bodies can facilitate us to greater awareness.
The Planet

Have you ever acknowledged this beautiful planet we live on? Are you aware that without this planet you wouldn't have a body? Your body is connected to the Earth. Your body is part of the Earth. What could acknowledging that create? What if you were to acknowledge the contribution you are to the planet and everything?
Every animal and every plant is part of the earth and is connected to the earth. Horses are aware of this. They are so willing to have this connection. Animals function as part of the Earth; they are in communion with the Earth. People try to live on the Earth and take from it, instead of living with it and seeing how they can contribute to it. What if instead of using the Earth, we were to work with it? What possibilities would be available beyond what is occurring today?
What if you could learn how to communicate with horses, your body, and the planet? What if you could have a greater connection with you, your body, equines and the planet?
Horse Whispering | Animal Communication

What if the story of Doctor Dolittle was truth, not fiction?
Every molecule in the universe is made up of energy, and every molecule has consciousness. Every molecule in the universe is connected. We the being have a mind. And our mind often gets in the way of us being. Our mind often gets in the way of us listening. Our mind often gets in the way of our knowing.
The universe and everything in it communicates in feather light whispers of energy. Most of us, somewhere along the way, have forgotten that we have the ability to communicate with every molecule.
What if you could once again learn how to speak the language of energy, and how to listen to the whispers of the universe? What if you could have a greater connection with you, your body, equines, the Earth and everything? Does that sound like fun? Would you be willing to be the magic and the whisperer you truly be?
What would it take for more people on the planet to recognize that communicating with all creatures of this world creates a future where we are the stewards of the Earth?
Body Whispering
Body Whispering is the ability to communicate with your body. It is the ability to listen and know what your body is communicating to you. It’s like learning a new energetic language. Learning how to listen to and communicate with your body can create more peace, space, joy and possibility for you and your body. What if you could have more ease and fun with your body and your life? Body Whispering is a deeper dive into what is possible for you and your body. Learn more about Body Whispering.
Access Body Processes

Access Body Processes are very effective for all body types - animal bodies, people bodies, and even plants! Access Body Processes undo the programming that keeps things from changing. Each body process is a unique energy, or combination of multiple energies. These energies unlock the tension, resistance and dis-ease in the body by shifting energy dynamically, changing disease and dysfunction in the body on the cellular level. What would it be like to have more ease with everything? Learn more about Access Body Processes.
Access Body Process Classes

Animals love Access Body Processes and horses are no exception! If there is an animal in the vicinity of a body process running, they will typically be lying on or near the person/animal receiving the process or lying near the person running the process. I am seeking individuals, non-profits or businesses who have access to horses who are interested in hosting one or more classes. This is a great way to give back to these amazing creatures! Learn more about Access Body Process Classes.
Equine Experiences | Hands-On Clinics

Our equine experiences are unique hands-on clinics where you will interact one-on-one with horses in a group setting. During a hands-on clinic you will learn and run an Access Body Process on the horses in the group while learning and experiencing other tools, techniques and processes of Access Consciousness®. As part of the experience each participant and horse in the group will also receive a group Symphony Session. No two clinics are ever the same. Each clinic is created by the people who attend and the questions they ask during class.
Would You Like To Host A Class or Equine Clinic?
Do you own, board, have access to or work with horses or other equines? We are currently seeking individuals, organizations, business owners and non-profits that own or have access to equines who are interested in hosting a class or clinic, or possibly forming a partnership for hosting equine-related classes and events. To inquire about hosting contact us.