A Permanent Magnet Makes The Best Biomagnet

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

A Permanent Magnet Makes The Best Biomagnet | Access Possibilities

A permanent magnet is a magnet that remains magnetized. It is a static (stationary) magnet that creates a static magnetic field. A permanent magnet cannot lose its magnetic charge. A permanent magnet makes the best biomagnet (healing magnet).

A temporary magnet is one that can lose memory of previous magnetization. A good example of this is magnetized hematite. Hematite, in its natural state, is not magnetic. However, man frequently magnetizes hematite to utilize it in magnetic jewelry. When a temporary magnet loses its magnetic properties, the therapeutic value becomes less or possibly lost all together.

Magnetite AKA Lodestone

Raw Magnetite AKA Lodestone | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Permanent magnets occur naturally in some rocks, particularly Magnetite (Lodestone) but are now more commonly manufactured. The image above shows Magnetite in it's raw natural form. Magnetite is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurring minerals on Earth. The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine from 2000 B.C. mentions magnetic stones (Lodestone) being used to balance the body's subtle energy field, now commonly referred to as the body's biofield or biomagnetism.

Magnetic jewelry made with Magnetite beads is a much better choice for therapy over magnetized Hematite, which is more commonly used. Since Magnetite is a permanent magnet it will not lose its magnetic charge or magnetism. Due to its positive and negative charge, Magnetite offers the benefits of bipolar Magnetic Therapy, and is a perfect choice for assisting the body to balance and self-heal. As a crystal, Magnetite stimulates underactive organs while sedating overactive organs; it is an excellent crystal to use for balancing the body and the subtle energy field.

Neodymium Magnets

Many biomagnets are now being manufactured. By adding rare earth or other trace metals to iron it is possible for manufacturers to produce magnets that are much smaller and more powerful. Neodymium magnets are an excellent example. A neodymium magnet is the strongest permanent biomagnet (healing magnet) available; it is also the most affordable.

Ferrite Or Ceramic Magnets

There are other alloys that retain their magnetic properties, which make very good permanent biomagnets. Most commonly used are the ferrites – ceramic-like materials composed of iron oxides combined with nickel, cobalt, barium or other materials. Many manufactures use the terms ferrite and ceramic interchangeably. A ferrite mixture can be combined with plastic, rubber or other pliable materials to make flexible biomagnets, which easily wrap around body parts.

Permanent Magnetic Therapy Jewelry

Permanent Magnetic Therapy Jewelry | Access Possibilities

There are many different types of permanent magnetic therapy jewelry to choose from. Back in 2007 when Natural Magnetism was founded, we chose to use Magnetite beads, instead of magnetized Hematite, when making our handcrafted magnetic jewelry. We continue this tradition today. There is no concern of Magnetite jewelry losing its magnetism.

Manufacturers of magnetic link jewelry place very tiny, very strong, neodymium magnets in the back of their stainless steel magnetic jewelry and titanium magnetic jewelry.

Neodymium magnets of various sizes and shapes can be utilized to make bipolar magnetic jewelry. When making neodymium magnetic jewelry, no beading wire is needed, the magnets are held together by their own magnetism.

By selecting permanent magnets, and avoiding temporary magnets, you can gain the most benefit from Magnetic Therapy and not have to worry about your biomagnets losing their magnetism. This holistic therapy can assist you to achieve holistic health.

Learn more about Magnetic Therapy. Learn more about Types of Magnetic Jewelry. Shop our online store for magnetic therapy jewelry and other holistic therapy products.

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