Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy | Alternative Solutions | Holistic Healing | Access Possibilities

Magnetic Therapy: Alternative Solution For Holistic Health & Wellness

Magnet Therapy is a holistic alternative therapy that is most commonly known for it's ability to alleviate pain. However, this natural therapy offers numerous other health benefits.

Magnetic Therapy utilizes the natural energy of magnetism, which is essential for human existence and overall health. Our physical body is encompassed by a field of energy commonly referred to as a subtle energy body or subtle energy field. This biofield or biomagnetism is produced by all living organisms. Once this is realized, it should not be so surprising to learn that our bodies can benefit from this natural bio-compatible energy field.

What Is Magnetic Therapy

What Is Magnetic Therapy | Alternative Holistic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Magnetic Therapy, also know as Magnet Therapy or Biomagnetic Therapy, is a body-energy therapy that involves the application of magnets or magnetic fields to the human body for the purpose of healing or health benefits. We’re not talking about any ordinary magnet. A healing magnet or biomagnet is a magnet that is specifically manufactured for the purpose of physical and mental healing.

By enhancing the body’s natural energy fields, Magnetic Therapy is thought to stimulate the metabolism and increase circulation thereby increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells. This natural therapy is used to relieve stress depression headaches and pain, to accelerate and promote healing, and to slow disease processes such as cancer and infections.

This Alternative Therapy dates back to antiquity, yet it is still used in complementary and alternative medicine and today. Magnet Therapy is very advanced in many countries, yet it has only more recently gained popularity here in the United States.

The History Of Magnetic Therapy

The History of Magnetic Therapy | Alternative Therapy | Access Possibilities

The history of Magnetic Therapy goes back about four thousand years. It is mentioned in some of the earliest writings in Egypt, India, Greece and China.

The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine from 2000 B.C., one of the early writings of Chinese Medicine, mentions the use of magnetic stones (Lodestone) to therapeutically influence energetically charged points (acupuncture points) and their associated channels (meridians). This was done to balance the body’s subtle energies.

It is said that the stone Queen Cleopatra wore on her forehead was Lodestone also known as Magnetite (a magnetic mineral form of iron oxide). She believed it would keep her young and beautiful.

Records indicate that the Chinese, Indians and Egyptians all believed that physical disease was a result of energetic imbalances. Ancient healers used this holistic remedy to assist the body’s innate ability to balance and self-heal.

Today, Magnetic Therapy is well advanced in China, Japan, India, Australia and Germany and much research has been done. The majority of physicians, here in the United States, have been slow to recognize and embrace it.

More recently, healthcare professionals and holistic practitioners such as acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic doctors are incorporating static magnetic therapy into their practices here in the U.S. They are now realizing how this alternative therapy can assist the body to achieve a state of balance (homeostasis) and holistic health.

Magnetic Therapy Research

Skeptics often claim that the benefits of Magnet Therapy must be due to the placebo effect. However, research has proven that applying biomagnets to the body provides a static magnetic field which can assist the body to balance and self-heal.

Magnetic Therapy benefits are backed by biomagnetic research. Japan, China and many European countries have used Magnet Therapy for centuries, dating back to antiquity, and much research has been done. Here in the United States research has been somewhat limited due to the prevalence of Western Medicine.

Although biomagnets (healing magnets) have not been approved by the FDA as medical devices, over the last few decades this holistic therapy has gained popularity here in the United States and more and more researchers have begun to do research and already many have proved the beneficial effects of Magnetic Therapy for both chronic and acute conditions.

One of the most popular studies done in the United States is commonly referred to as The Baylor Study. The study "Magnet Therapy Reduces Pain in Post-Polio Patients" was done in 1997 by the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Download the reprint from the original Baylor study below.

Researchers have reported that permanent magnets can speed up the body’s natural healing process. They have demonstrated that the application of biomagnets can accelerate post-surgery recovery time and speed the healing of injuries and wounds.

Both clinicians and researchers boast an impressive 80 to 90 percent success rate in pain reduction. Biomagnetic research has also shown that permanent magnets restore energy, boost the immune system, and enhance sleep.

Magnetic Therapy For Pain

Magnetic Therapy For Pain Relief | Alternative Solutions | Access Possibilities

Biomagnets have been used for alternative pain relief in conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, tendinitis, neck and shoulder pain, back pain and other back problems, headaches including migraines, muscle strains, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia and the list goes on. Magnetic Therapy has even been used during post-operative care to accelerate healing of surgical wounds.

Clinicians and researchers have reported a success rate of 80 to 90 percent in pain reduction. My personal experience has been 100% pain reduction. The majority of my clients have also reported a 100% success rate.

Many professional athletes credit the use of magnets to enhancing their performance and increasing their endurance. The use of magnets have also been reported to reduce their recovery time. Professional athletes also use this alternative therapy for natural pain relief and to accelerate the healing of sports injuries.

Magnet Therapy Increases Endorphin Levels

IMagnet Therapy Increases Endorphin Levels | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilitiesf you have ever suffered from symptoms of endorphin deficiency you know how debilitating it can be. Or perhaps you’ve been experiencing the symptoms but haven’t known the cause.

There is evidence that the use of biomagnets (healing magnets) increases endorphin levels in the body. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain relievers. Endorphins are pain prohibiting hormones that are naturally produced by your body. Endorphins inhibit pain by binding to the opioid receptors in your brain. They work similarly to opioid pain medications like oxycodone or morphine. Endorphins are commonly referred to as “happy hormones.” Since these natural pain relievers are produced by the body they yield no negative side effects.

Dr. Saul Liss reported that after applying a static magnet to an acupressure point, the endorphin level increased 48 percent from the pre-treatment level. There are approximately two thousand acupuncture points in the body. Even when a magnet is not purposely placed directly on an acupuncture point, it is likely that the magnetic field will affect one or more of these points and the body will release pain relieving endorphins. This is why so many people have turned to Magnetic Therapy for pain relief.

Magnetic Therapy Offers Holistic Benefits

This holistic therapy provides physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits beyond pain relief; it can benefit an array of symptoms and health problems such as diabetes, depression, insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), just to name a few.

This natural remedy is not only beneficial for symptoms; it can be used as a preventative measure as well. For example, I’ve had numerous clients with a history of migraines who started wearing my Magnetite magnetic jewelry and reported back that they never experienced a migraine while wearing their magnetic necklace. Magnetic therapy also offers EMF protection from the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Wearing magnetic therapy jewelry is a simple and affordable way to benefit from this holistic therapy. Magnetic jewelry can be worn as a preventative measure, to alleviate symptoms, to assist the body to heal and achieve a state of homeostasis, and to assist one in obtaining holistic health.

Magnetic Therapy For Pets

Magnetic Therapy For Pets | Magnetic Therapy Pet Collars | Access PossibilitiesVeterinarians were among some of the early professional groups that embraced Magnet Therapy. Within the past 3 decades or so, the use of magnets on dogs and horses, particularly to speed the healing of injuries, has become increasingly widespread.

Magnetic Therapy is safe and effective for pets and other animals. Magnetite Jewelry can be worn as a cat or dog collar. My sister had a Great Pyrenees that was suffering from arthritis and was really having trouble walking. I sent her a Magnetite necklace for her dog Hunter. She soon reported that he was back to running around and playing. She said that she hadn’t seen him that active since he was a puppy!

Does Magnetic Therapy Work | Magnet Therapy | Access Possibilities

Does Magnetic Therapy Work?

Yes! Research has proven that Magnetic Therapy works. In countries such as Japan, China and many European countries Magnet Therapy has been used for centuries, dating back to antiquity, and much research has been done.

Although biomagnets (healing magnets) have not been approved by the FDA as medical devices here in the United States, over the last few decades more and more researchers have begun to do research and already many have proved the beneficial effects of Magnetic Therapy for both chronic and acute conditions.

Magnetic Therapy benefits are backed by biomagnetic research. Within the field of Magnetic Therapy, one of the most popular studies done here in the United States is commonly referred to as The Baylor Study. This study "Magnet Therapy Reduces Pain in Post-Polio Patients" was done in 1997 by the Baylor College of Medicine at One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030. Read full article...

How Does Magnetic Therapy Work? | Magnet Therapy | Access Possibilities

How Does Magnetic Therapy Work?

A common question among those new to Magnetic Therapy is “How does Magnetic Therapy work?” Not all experts agree as to how this natural therapy works. There are many different theories and beliefs within the field of Magnetic Therapy.

Although we have gained a lot of knowledge about magnets and their use as an alternative therapy, we still have much to learn. Scientist and researchers are hard at work to answer this question.

What we do know is that magnets work by emitting a static magnetic field much like that of the Earth’s magnetic field, which is essential for life and is necessary for us to maintain optimal health. The energy field created by biomagnets (healing magnets) assists the physical body and the body’s subtle energies to balance and self-heal. Read full article...

Earth's Magnetic Field Essential For Life on Earth And Optimal Health | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Earth's Magnetic Field Essential For Life on Earth

The Earth's magnetic field is necessary not only for our existence, but for us to obtain and maintain optimal health.

The magnetic field produced by the spinning of hot molten iron at the Earth's core extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space. It is called the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere shields the surface of the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind emitted by the Sun. These solar winds would otherwise be fatal to life on Earth.

Planets with a weak or non-existent magnetic field are subject to atmospheric stripping by the solar wind. Mars does not presently have a global magnetic field. The presence of the solar wind, for billions of years, has contributed to the loss of water and the erosion of Mars' atmosphere. Read full article...

Magnetic Field Deficiency | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Do You Suffer From Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome?

Researchers such as Dr. Kyoichi Nakagawa believe that magnetic field deficiency syndrome occurs due to the decrease in the Earth’s magnetic field. This syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, frequent headaches, dizziness and generalized aches and pains.

The Earth's magnetic field is necessary not only for our existence, but for us to obtain and maintain optimal health. Carl Friedrich Gauss first measured the strength of the Earth's magnetic field in 1835. Since then, scientists have been able to monitor the Earth's magnetic field and have noted that its strength has decreased about tenfold over the last 4,000 years.

Our modern lifestyle contributes to magnetic field deficiency. We are no longer in touch with the Earth as we once were. Instead, many of us spend our days in steel-supported buildings and metal vehicles, which limits our exposure to the Earth's magnetic field. Read full article...

What Is A Biomagnet? | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

What Is A Biomagnet?

A biomagnet, also known as a healing magnet or therapy magnet, is simply a magnet that is applied to the body for health benefits.

These are not just any ordinary magnets you may find lying around the house or stuck to your refrigerator door. Biomagnets are manufactured specifically for the purpose of physical, mental and emotional healing; they emit a static magnetic field.

Though we have discovered a lot about Magnet Therapy, there is still much to learn. While all experts agree that magnets work, many topics within the field of Magnetic Therapy are controversial. Read full article...

A Permanent Magnet Makes The Best Biomagnet | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

A Permanent Magnet Makes The Best Biomagnet

A permanent magnet is a magnet that remains magnetized. It is a static (stationary) magnet that creates a static magnetic field. A permanent magnet cannot lose its magnetic charge. A permanent magnet makes the best biomagnet (healing magnet).

A temporary magnet is one that can lose memory of previous magnetization. A good example of this is magnetized hematite. Hematite, in its natural state, is not magnetic. However, man frequently magnetizes hematite to utilize it in magnetic jewelry. When a temporary magnet loses its magnetic properties, the therapeutic value becomes less or possibly lost all together.

Permanent magnets occur naturally in some rocks, particularly Magnetite (Lodestone). Permanent magnets are now more commonly manufactured. Magnetite is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurring minerals on Earth. The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine from 2000 B.C. mentions magnetic stones (Lodestone) being used to balance the body's subtle energy field, now commonly referred to as the body's biofield or biomagnetism. Read full article...

Using Neodymium Rare Earth Magnets For Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Using Neodymium Rare Earth Magnets For Magnetic Therapy

There are several different ways of using neodymium rare earth magnets for Magnetic Therapy. The manufacturing of neodymium magnets, also known as rare earth magnets, began in 1983. They are made of an alloy of iron, boron and neodymium, a rare earth element.

Neodymium has a bright, silvery metallic luster; however, as one of the more reactive rare earth metals, it quickly oxidizes in air. These magnets are brittle and are often plated with a protective coating of metals such as nickel to help protect them from breaking and chipping.

Neodymium magnets are also highly corrosive. Some manufacturers apply a multi-layer plating of Nickel-Copper-Nickel to help prevent corrosion. Sometimes referred to as neos or neo magnets, neodymium rare earth magnets are sometimes coated with epoxy, which helps to extend the life of the magnet. Read full article...

Magnet Strength: How Much Magnetism For Therapeutic Benefit? | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Magnet Strength: How Much Magnetism For Therapeutic Benefit?

Magnet strength or power is determined by measuring the density of the magnetic flux lines. The instrument used to measure a magnetic field or the strength of a biomagnet (healing magnet) is called a gaussmeter, telsameter or magnetometer.

There are two different units of measurement used when a measuring the density of magnetic flux lines - tesla and gauss.

Magnet Strength: Tesla (symbolized T) is the standard unit of magnetic flux density. Tesla is a large unit, and is used primarily in industrial electromagnetics.

When dealing with smaller magnets, such as those encountered in other consumer products and those used in Magnetic Therapy, a smaller unit of flux density called gauss (symbolized G) is more commonly used. Read full article...

Choosing Bipolar Magnets VS Unipolar Magnets For Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Choosing Bipolar Magnets VS Unipolar Magnets For Magnetic Therapy

When it comes to choosing bipolar magnets vs unipolar magnets for Magnetic Therapy all experts don't share the same point of view. Some experts believe that bipolar magnets are more effective, while others believe that unipolar magnets are the way to go. Polarity is one of the most controversial issues within the field of Magnet Therapy. Regardless of the polarity issue, all experts agree that magnets work.

All magnets are bipolar, meaning they have a north pole and a south pole. A true unipolar magnet does not exist. However, in the field of Magnetic Therapy, unipolar refers to a biomagnet that is used in such a way that only one pole – either north or south (but not both) – faces the body, while the opposite pole faces away from the body.

Manufacturers of stainless steel magnetic jewelry and titanium magnetic jewelry arrange small neodymium magnets in the back of magnetic therapy jewelry so that only one pole, typically the north side, faces the body. In this application the neodymium magnets are said to be unipolar. Read full article...

The Magnetic North Pole South Pole Controversy In Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

The Magnetic North Pole South Pole Controversy

The magnetic north pole south pole controversy in Magnetic Therapy dates back to the early 1930s and still continues today.

The idea that the magnetic north pole and the magnetic south pole of a biomagnet (healing magnet) produced different effects originated with the research of Dr. Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls Jr. during the early 1930s.

They believed that the north or negative pole energy gave positive healing effects while the south or positive pole energy gave negative health effects. Today, many of their followers still believe that only the north side of a biomagnet offers positive benefits. Read full article...

Naming The Magnetic Poles Of A Biomagnet In Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Naming The Poles Of A Biomagnet In Magnetic Therapy

Naming the magnetic poles of a biomagnet (healing magnet) can be very confusing due to the fact that most biomagnet scientists, practitioners and manufacturers tend to name the magnet poles of a biomagnet the complete opposite of how the traditional scientific and industrial worlds name the poles of a regular magnet.

In the scientific community, the Magnetic South Pole of a magnet will attract the north indicator of a compass. And the Magnetic North Pole of a magnet will attract the south indicator.

Most typically, in the field of Magnetic Therapy, the pole or side of a biomagnet that attracts the north indicator of a compass is called the north side, or north pole. This side of the biomagnet is then referred to as "North" or "bio-North." Read full article...

How To Balance Yin Yang Energies With Magnetic Therapy | Holistic Alternative Therapy | Access Possibilities

How To Balance Yin Yang Energies With Magnetic Therapy

Although there is much controversy within the field of Magnetic Therapy as to which pole, the magnetic north pole or the magnetic south pole, to use for therapeutic benefits, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes the healing benefits of both magnetic poles.

It’s easy to balance yin yang energies with Magnetic Therapy once you know some basics. Yin Yang energies must be balanced throughout the body for optimal health. Magnet Therapy can be used to bring the body back into balance when a yin or yang deficiency exists.

The magnetic poles of a biomagnet (healing magnet) correspond with energies of Yin and Yang. Depending on the type of imbalance, a particular magnetic pole can be used to achieve balance, known as homeostasis. Read full article...

A Static Magnetic Field Offers EMF Protection And Other Health Benefits | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

A Static Magnetic Field Offers EMF Protection And Other Health Benefits

Electromagnetic radiation, commonly referred to as electromagnetic smog, is emitted by electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields are a field of force that consists of both electric and magnetic components, resulting from the motion of an electric charge and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by high power lines and all household electronics emit electromagnetic radiation which has been linked to cancer and other health issues.

In this day and age, especially with the use of technology becoming so prevalent and high power lines expanding across the planet, what is one to do?

Well, did you know there are safe, natural, alternative therapies that can counter the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation?  Read full article...

Magnetic Therapy Safety: Is Magnetic Therapy Safe? Get The Facts | Magnet Therapy | Access Possibilities

Magnetic Therapy Safety: Is Magnetic Therapy Safe? Get The Facts

Magnetic Therapy is a holistic complimentary therapy. It can complement modern medicine and alternative therapies alike. This natural therapy is not meant to replace proper medical care. You should see a qualified healthcare professional if you have acute or persistent undiagnosed pain. Such pain may indicate a serious problem.

Magnetic Therapy, also known as Magnet Therapy or Biomagnetic Therapy, is a body-energy therapy that involves the application of magnets or magnetic fields to the human body for the purpose of healing or health benefits. This alternative therapy dates back to antiquity, and is still used in complementary and alternative medicine today.

Using Magnetic Therapy is of little or no concern for most individuals. Research has proved the beneficial effects of Magnetic Therapy for both chronic and acute conditions. Permanent magnets are potent, safe, reusable healing tools. Some practitioners have found that Magnet Therapy helps to prolong the beneficial effects of natural therapies, such as manipulation and acupuncture. Read full article...

Non-Medical Cautions Regarding Magnets

Magnets are very strong and can affect watches and magnetically stored information. Be sure to keep magnets several inches from items such as audio and videotapes, computer hard drives and floppy disks, television and computer monitors, magnetized credit cards or any other cards with magnetized strips. Never put magnets in direct contact with these items, as the items can be damaged.

Magnetic Therapy Jewelry | Magnetic Therapy: A Holistic Complementary Therapy | Access Possibilities

Why I Prefer Magnetic Therapy Jewelry Over Other Magnetic Devices

Wearing magnetic therapy jewelry is one of the simplest ways to benefit from Magnetic Therapy. A static magnetic field increases circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation, decreases pain, offers protection from electromagnetic radiation, and facilitates the body to balance and self-heal.

There are many different types of medical devices available that can be used to provide the body with a therapeutic static magnetic field, which is the target of Magnetic Therapy. Read full article....

Magnetic Therapy Jewelry | Necklaces Bracelets Anklets Earrings & Rings | Alternative Solutions For Holistic Health & Wellness | Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Magnetic Therapy Jewelry | Necklaces Bracelets Anklets Earrings & Rings

Wearing magnetic therapy jewelry is a very easy, convenient and affordable way to reap the benefits of Magnetic Therapy. Many professional athletes wear magnetic jewelry to reap the benefits of this holistic therapy.

Magnetic therapy jewelry comes in the form of necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings. The type of symptom or problem you have can help determine what piece or pieces of jewelry you may want to wear. Read full article...

Types of Magnetic Therapy Jewelry | Reap the Benefits of Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

Types Of Magnetic Jewelry

Would you like to reap the benefits of Magnetic Therapy by wearing magnetic jewelry but you're not quite sure which type of magnetic jewelry is right for you? There are many types of magnetic jewelry to choose from.

Some individuals may select a particular type of magnetic therapeutic jewelry based solely on its aesthetic appearance, while others prefer to make a more informed decision. We have put together some information below to assist you in finding the type of magnetic jewelry that is right for you!

Wearing magnetic therapeutic jewelry is one of the simplest ways to benefit from Magnetic Therapy. It is by far my favorite! Regardless of the type of jewelry selected, this alternative therapy can assist the body to balance and self-heal. Research has shown that Magnet Therapy increases circulation, reduces swelling and inflammation, decreases pain and helps with numerous other health issues. I have personally benefited from this holistic therapy. This alternative therapy also offers protection from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. Learn about different types of Magnetic Jewelry.

Magnetic Therapy Testimonials

Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Julie was wonderful"

"Julie was wonderful.. She made accommodations to repair my necklace that I bought from her over 12 years ago when her store was in California. I did not want to replace it so I went to her in Nevada. She made it brand new again. I would only trust her with my beautiful necklace. Thank you again Julie."



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Best investment in my health!"

"I absolutely love it severely reduce my neck pain and arm pain in fact my neck pain has pretty much went away I truly love these magnetic products I also have the bracelets and the anklets and have been wearing them for over 4 years thank you Access Possibilities because not only is your product wonderful but your customer service os stellar"



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Quick turn around, impeccable work"

"Wonderful the new clasps are a step up and the therapeutic value is wonderful. Helps with arthritis and nerve pain."



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Julie truly cares about her clients!"

"Feeling great with the help of my new magnetism jewelry. Great customer service and very informative. The owner Julie truly cares about her clients!"



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"would recommend to anyone struggling with pain"

"I’ve been wearing the most amazing polarized magnetic anklets and necklaces for about Three years now And they have helped so much with arthritis and neuropathy. I also enjoy that they are beautiful beaded works of art as well. I would recommend this product to anyone struggling with pain. They have helped so much with arthritis and neuropathy. Julie was awesome she Worked with me to customize the jewelry so it would be a perfect fit thanks so much Julie!"



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"love the fact that I am pain free"

"I absolutely love my bracelet & tell everyone about it. It's a good quality and love the fact that I am pain free. I suffer arthritis and also have a tumor in my wrist. I've had wrist surgery years ago and was looking for an alternative to surgery. The pain was unbearable for 3 weeks until I remembered an old fellow that lived near by always talking about wearing magnets to help his arthritis. I found Natural Magnetism on line.. within a few days my bracelet arrived. I wore the bracelet faithfully for three weeks... being a skeptic of course... I took it off laid it on my dresser. When I work the next morning the pain was back. It's been nearly a year now... I can remove the bracelet but I do notice the difference after a couple days of not wearing it. LOVE IT!!! Even bought some for family and friends. They love theirs too!"



Access Possibilities Testimonials


"Great I love the easy clasp and it is beautiful as well as practical as well as effective. Lessened and took away pain."



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Everyone around me has noticed the improvement in my walking."

"The magnet bracelet I have has really helped to eliminate the pain in my knees from arthritis. If you are having pain in your body, I suggest you give it a try. I was told it could take up to 2 weeks to start working, but I noticed the difference after just 2 days. I am walking much better. Everyone around me has noticed the improvement in my walking."



Access Possibilities Testimonials

"Love it. Beautiful necklace - exactly as promised."

"Bamboo Coral Hex & Rice Handcrafted Magnetite Magnetic Necklace: Love it. Beautiful necklace - exactly as promised. I wear it every day. Julie is easy to reach, easy to talk to and very responsive."



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