The Clearing Statement: Your Magic Wand For Potent Change
Posted by Julie D. Mayo
Have you always wished you had a magic wand that could change anything? Well, now you do. It’s called The Clearing Statement.
What if a few weird words could totally change your life? The Access Consciousness® clearing statement is like having your own magic wand that can change anything! It can be used to change anything in your life that is not working for you! After searching for more than 20 years for something that actually works, this is the quickest and easiest way I've come across to clear limitations, judgments, non-serving beliefs, and limited points of view.
To Change Something, Change The Energy
Have you ever tried to change something, but it would not change? That’s because you haven’t changed the energy. To change something – you have to change the energy! The clearing statement bypasses the logical mind and clears things energetically, on an energetic level. If your mind had all the answers, wouldn’t you already be living the life you desire?
So anytime something is present that you would like to change or something comes up and you feel stuck, you can use the clearing statement to destroy and uncreate it; it being the judgment or limitation. You can't destroy you, you the infinite being are indestructible.
A Potent Tool For Transformation And Change
The clearing statement is designed to bring up the energies and clear them. Fortunately, you do not have to understand it for it to work. The clearing statement is designed to bypass your thinking logical mind and access your “insane mind” which is where the answers to the life you are creating live.
For anything to not be working for you, you have to be unwilling to perceive, know, be or receive some aspect of it; you have to be functioning from unconsciousness or anti-consciousness.
The clearing statement is designed to give you more awareness and more ability to function from consciousness, even if you don’t understand the words, and even if you don’t cognitively understand what is creating the limitation.
The potency of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck!
The Clearing Statement
The first time you hear it, it can sound a bit like a foreign language. Discussed further in an Access Bars Class, the clearing statement is as follows:
Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 100, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds®.
Or, you can use the short version, you can simply say “POC and POD” and it still works. And, you don't have to say it out loud. You can say it in your head and it still works.
How The Clearing Statement Works
When we “run clearings” on people during Access Consciousness Classes or on someone during a private session it is commonly referred to as verbal processing or facilitation. We usually start by asking a question to bring up as much of the energy of the limitation as possible and then blast it out of existence with the clearing statement. This process goes beyond the cognitive mind and clears the limitation energetically. These clearings can create tremendous change and with lasting results.
Every time a clearing is run, it asks the consciousness of you to go back just before the point of creation of the limitation, and dissolves the seed of limitation so that the limitation no longer exists in the past, which changes the present and the future. It erases them so you can have a different possibility.
It doesn't matter whether the point of creation or destruction was last week or a hundred million years ago. The clearing statement takes you to the first place it occurred and clears the decisions you made. It happens energetically when you use the clearing statement.
The beauty and simplicity of this is that you don’t have to ‘figure out’ when the limitation was created, or why you created it, or how you created it, or any of that. So many of the other modalities I’ve worked with try and get you to “figure” all this stuff out. If your cognitive mind had all the answers, you would have already changed what isn’t working. So many people get stuck on the when, why or how. Going beyond all of that and addressing the energy of it allows you to move beyond anything very quickly and with ease!

You Always Have Choice
The facilitator will usually ask, “will you destroy and uncreate it?” before running the clearing statement. What they are asking is, “will you destroy and uncreate the limitation?” This gives you choice as to whether you want to give up the limitation or not. You always have choice!
When you say yes, and the clearing is run, it destroys and uncreates the limitation, not you the being which is indestructible. If for some reason you are not ready to let the limitation go, you don’t have to say yes, and you can hold onto that limitation for as long as you like.
Some people try to congnitize or understand the limitation before they are willing to let it go, which is in itself a limitation. Me? I prefer to get rid of as many limitations as possible, so I am quick to say yes and move on.
A Breakdown Of The Clearing Statement
Below is a breakdown of the clearing statement. Even though you don’t have to understand it for it to work, this will give you an idea of how much stuff we are clearing when we use or run the clearing statement. Is it no wonder it is so effective?
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad
Right and wrong, good and bad is short for “what’s right, good, perfect and correct about this, and what’s wrong, bad, awful, mean, vicious and terrible about this.” It is the things that we consider right, good, perfect and/or correct that stick us the most, because we do not wish to let go of them since we decided that we have them right.
POC stands for Point of Creation; creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding your decision to have that judgment or limitation. POD stands for the Point of Destruction; all the ways you’ve been destroying yourself by holding that limitation in place.All 100
All 100 are the one hundred different stories you get to choose from to create you in this reality, but it creates you in this reality, it doesn’t allow you to live beyond this reality. 1–50 is one side of the coin, 51–100 is the other side of the coin and they are all mixed up. They are the reason most things are conflictual rather than cohesive. It’s why we want to live on the edge rather than one side or the other.
Shorts is short for What’s meaningful about this? What’s meaningless about this? What’s the punishment for this? and What’s the reward for this?
Boys stands for nucleated spheres. These are pre-verbal. Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we’ve tried to handle something continuously with no effect. How many of you have attempted to “peel the layers as if it’s an onion”, but never seemed to get to the pearl? If you never get to the core of the issue, you are dealing with a nucleated sphere.
All the points of view you are avoiding and defending that keeps this in existence.
Creations is shorthand for realms of creation, which are about how you actually have to learn how to create and recognize what you've created so that you can truly create everything you truly desire the way you would like to do it but keep not choosing.
Bases is the plural form of basis. A basis is the structure you use to have a right life and the structure by which you weigh and measure the loss or win of all situations.
Beyonds are a feeling or sensation we get in our body which stops us dead in our tracks. Did you ever get a bill that was way more than you expected? When you get that bill, everything stops and solidifies in time, space, dimensions and reality. That’s a beyond. We have lots of areas in our life where we freeze up. Anytime you freeze up, that’s the beyond holding you captive. That’s the difficulty with a beyond: it stops you from being present.
Verbal Processing Facilitation
I utilize this dynamic tool during coaching, group and private sessions with clients and during many of the classes and events I facilitate. Verbal Processing Facilitation goes far beyond traditional coaching, counseling or therapy to give you lasting results more quickly and easily than traditional methods. Clearing loops can be played during the day, or even at night while you are sleeping, to go even deeper and create more change with total ease.
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Would you like to change something you haven't been able to change? What if it was possible to change the unchangeable? Book a Verbal Processing Facilitation Session.
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