The Magnetic North Pole South Pole Controversy In Magnetic Therapy

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

The Magnetic North Pole South Pole Controversy In Magnetic Therapy | Access Possibilities

The magnetic north pole south pole controversy in Magnetic Therapy dates back to the early 1930s and still continues today.

The idea that the magnetic north pole and the magnetic south pole of a biomagnet (healing magnet) produced different effects originated with the research of Dr. Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls Jr. during the early 1930s.

They believed that the north or negative pole energy gave positive healing effects while the south or positive pole energy gave negative health effects. Today, many of their followers still believe that only the north side of a biomagnet offers positive benefits.

Dr. Buryl Payne has researched magnetic healing for many years. He feels that the south pole is generally more healing. Tom Nellessen has been involved with Magnet Therapy for over thirty years. He maintains that both poles have specific healing properties.

Polarity is a very controversial subject within the field of Magnetic Therapy. There is no controlled published research validating that either the north pole or south pole is more effective.

The Magnetic North Pole

In terms of popular usage right now, the north or negative polarity, also known as bio-north, is generally considered the "healing" side of a biomagnet. When producing stainless steel and titanium link magnetic jewelry, manufacturers typically place the magnet so that the north side of the magnet faces the body.

Even though many physicians and therapists prefer to use the north or negative side of a biomagnet, a few of these specialists have stated that there has been times when a patient’s pain increased when they applied the north or negative side of a biomagnet. When this occurred, they simply flipped the magnet over and used the south or positive side of the magnet. They then reported that the patient’s pain decreased.

Both Poles Offer Health Benefits

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the north and south poles of a magnet do have different properties. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine magnetic poles correspond with Yin Yang energies. When used appropriately, both poles can offer positive healing benefits. Check out my blog article How To Balance Yin Yang Energies With Magnetic Therapy.

Magnetite is a permanent magnet that carries both a positive and negative magnetic charge. Wearing Magnetite jewelry is like wearing multiple bipolar magnets which expose the body to both magnetic fields. The body can then take which ever magnetic polarity it needs to balance and self-heal. There is no worry of over doing it; the body is intelligent enough to only take what it requires. Wearing magnetic jewelry is a safe affordable way to reap the benefits of Magnetic Therapy.

Learn more about Magnetic Therapy. Shop our online store for magnetic therapy jewelry and other holistic therapy products.

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