Magnet Strength: How Much Magnetism For Therapeutic Benefit?

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Magnet Strength: How Much Magnetism For Therapeutic Benefit?

Magnet strength or power is determined by measuring the density of the magnetic flux lines. The instrument used to measure a magnetic field or the strength of a biomagnet (healing magnet) is called a gaussmeter, telsameter or magnetometer.

There are two different units of measurement used when a measuring the density of magnetic flux lines - tesla and gauss.

Magnet Strength: TeslaTesla (symbolized T) is the standard unit of magnetic flux density. Tesla is a large unit, and is used primarily in industrial electromagnetics.

Tesla was named after Nikola Tesla in 1960. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American scientist who invented the alternating-current (AC) electrical system. He also contributed toward the development of other modern-day electrical power systems.

When dealing with smaller magnets, such as those encountered in other consumer products and those used in Magnetic Therapy, a smaller unit of flux density called gauss (symbolized G) is more commonly used.

Magnet Strength: GaussGauss was named after a German astronomer and mathematician by the name of Carl Friedrich Gauss. One Tesla is equal to ten thousand gauss or 10,000 gauss equals 1 tesla.

Gauss measures the density of the magnetic flux lines. The more magnetic flux lines per square centimeter, the more powerful the magnet, hence a higher gauss rating. 

On the external surface of a magnet the magnetic field is the strongest at the north and south poles. This is where the magnetic flux lines are the closest together or more dense.

Magnet Strength | Magnetic Flux Lines

Magnet Strength: Surface Gauss Rating

There are two types of gauss ratings – internal and external or surface. Manufacturers measure and assign a manufacturer gauss rating which is typically the internal strength of the magnet.

The surface gauss rating, gives the strength at the external surface of the magnet. The surface gauss rating is usually much less than the internal gauss rating which is measured at the center of the magnet, where the magnetic field is the strongest. Sometimes the manufacturer will specify if the rating applies to the surface of the magnet.

When selecting a biomagnet (healing magnet), for the purpose of Magnetic Therapy, it is the surface gauss rating that we should be concerned with, since this is the strength of the magnet that the skin and body is in contact with. The same is true when selecting magnetic therapy jewelry. It is the surface gauss rating that you want to compare.

It can sometimes be difficult to acquire the surface gauss rating of biomagnets and magnet therapy and jewelry products. Manufactures often list the internal gauss rating of their products, instead of the surface gauss rating, since these numbers are higher.

How Much Magnetism For Therapeutic Benefit?

How much magnetism is required for therapeutic benefit will vary depending on the application. The strength of a magnet can depend on a number of factors, including the size and shape of the magnet, the type and grade of the magnetic material, and the polarity.

When comparing the magnet strength of products it is the surface gauss rating, not the internal gauss rating, which we should be concerned with. The most commonly used therapeutic magnets range from about 200 to 3,000 gauss at the surface. This is only a fraction of what a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine emits at about 150,000 gauss, or 15 tesla.

The magnetic field weakens the further you are from the surface of the magnet. When you place a biomagnet on your body, the amount of magnetism lessens as the static magnetic field travels deeper into the body.

Magnet Strength with Penetration | Magnetic Therapy

You would not need as strong of a magnet to treat a burn on the surface of the skin as you would to treat a muscle 1 to 2 inches beneath the surface of the skin. The deeper the area you are treating, the higher the gauss rating you may require to obtain pain relief or health benefits.

Due to anecdotal evidence, some experts believe that the stronger the magnet the quicker the pain relief. Some magnetic therapists have noticed that treatment is more effective when magnets are placed over acupressure points.

Acupuncturists who use tiny point or dot magnets on acupuncture points have found 500 to 600 gauss to be very effective. The strength of static magnets used in some Eastern European studies ranged from only 100 to 500 gauss.

Magnetic Therapy is a very simple and affordable way to balance the body and the body's biomagnetism and obtain holistic health. I have seen many individuals, including myself, benefit from many different ailments simply by wearing magnetic therapy jewelry. 

When comparing products, be sure you are looking at the surface gauss ratings and compare with the same. For the convenience of our customers, we list the surface gauss rating in all our magnetic therapy product descriptions.

Learn more about Magnetic Therapy. Shop our online store for magnetic therapy jewelry and other holistic therapy products.

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