Access Possibilities Blog

Looking For A Way To Reduce Stress? | Ask Your Body What Would Be Joyful

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress? Are you aware that your body is conscious and knows exactly what it desires and requires? What if rather than dictating what your body "needs" to do, or pushing your body beyond the point of ease, you were to ask your body what would be joyful? What could that create?

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Knowing What Is True For You | Light Or Heavy

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Part of functioning from consciousness is knowing what is true for you and being willing to continually expand your awareness. Many of us have cut off our awareness for a very long time, even lifetimes. So how do you access your knowing and know what is actually true for you? A great tool to use that will empower you to know what is true for you is Light or Heavy.

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Ask Your Body About Everything That Concerns It

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Are you aware that your body is conscious and knows exactly what it desires and requires? Have you ever asked your body about the things that concern it? We tend to dictate what our body is going to eat, wear or do. That seems to be our normal mode of operation.

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A Different Possibility For Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress, PTSD & TBI

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Are you looking for a different possibility for stress, anxiety, trauma, post-traumatic stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? What if releasing trauma could be easier than you ever imagined possible?

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How Are The Bars, Verbal Processing & Facilitation Different?

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

I am often asked; how are The Bars, Verbal Processing and Facilitation different? The Bars, Verbal Processing and Facilitation are the quickest and easiest ways I've seen that can change any limitation or point of view. So, let's dive into what makes each one different and how they work.

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