Who Does This Belong To? | Is It Really Yours?

Posted by Julie D. Mayo

Who Does This Belong To? | Is It Really Yours? | A Tool For Limitless Living

"Who does this belong to?" is a tool that would create so much freedom for you, if you actually used it. What if it was possible to be a walking, talking meditation? 

You are far more psychic than you ever give yourself credit for. 98% of your thoughts feelings and emotions don’t belong to you. You are like the psychic Sponge Bob of the universe. You are aware!

If you are hearing this for the first time, I get that this information can be a bit much to wrap your head around! When we hear thoughts in our head, feel sensations in our bodies, this includes pain, or experience emotions, we tend to buy it as ours and lock it into our bodies.

Every time you say “I am” “I have” or “I feel” you lock whatever you were sensing or perceiving into your body and start creating it as if it were yours. What if there was a different possibility available?

Who does this belong to? is the tool that would probably create the most freedom for people, yet it tends to be the tool people use the least. It has created massive change in my life, and I still use it EVERYDAY!!!

You think that if you have a thought in your head, feel something in your body, or experience an emotion, it must be yours. It’s never yours. When you get that, you will finally have total freedom. So let's dive into how to use this tool.

Part 1: Who Does This Belong To?

For three consecutive days for every thought, feeling, emotion, judgment, heaviness and limitation, ask “Who does this belong to?” Feelings include any sensations - pains, hunger, symptoms, etc. This is a great tool to start with to get the awareness that all the crap you’ve bought as yours really isn’t.

Step 1: Ask: "Who does this belong to?" for every thought, feeling, emotion, judgment, heaviness and limitation.

Step 2: If it lightens up at all, it's not yours. Just return it to sender. You don't have to know whose it is to return it. Simply acknowledge that it's not yours and say, "Return to sender." You can't change something that is not yours; you can only return it to sender!

Step 3: Run the clearing statement - Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADs and Beyonds®. If you prefer the short version you can say POC & POD, and that works too!

If it does not lighten up, or it keeps coming back, somewhere you have bought it as yours. In that case you can run this clearing: Everywhere I bought this as mine when it wasn't and everything I created and uncreated as a result of it I destroy and uncreate it all Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POC and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADs and Beyonds.

If you will use this tool for three consecutive days it would create much more freedom than you're probably willing to have! It would break the machine that makes you think everything is yours. It's like becoming a walking, talking meditation. Okay, I double dog dare you!!

After using "Who does it belong to?" for three consecutive days, return here and continue with Part 2. You can continue now if you prefer. If you would like freedom from everything that you think is yours that isn't, be sure to ask "Who does this belong to?" for three consecutive days, that's how you break the machine!

Part 2: Is This Mine? Someone Else's? Or Something Else?

After 3 days, continue asking “Is this mine? Someone else’s? Or something else?” for every thought, feeling, emotion, judgment, heaviness and limitation.

If it gets lighter on someone else’s, it’s not yours, simply “return it to sender with consciousness attached.”

If it gets lighter on something else, 99% of the time it ends up being the Earth needing some kind of facilitation from us. So you have to be willing to give whatever energy you have available to facilitate the Earth for what it desires and needs. To contribute energy to the earth, you can use 123s to do this if you know how or just ask to contribute that energy to the earth.

If it does not get lighter or it keeps returning, you have bought it as yours. In this case, destroy and uncreate everywhere you bought it as yours when it wasn’t, and everything you created and uncreated as a result of it and run the clearing statement or POC & POD it. (See Part 1).

For those who are new to the clearing statement, learn about this tool in my blog post The Clearing Statement: Your Magic Wand For Potent Change.

If you have any questions or need assistance with this tool attend any Access class such as Access Bars, Access Energetic Facelift, or Access Body Process Class or contact us.

What if you could have ease, peace and joy with your body and your life? Explore Body Whispering. Learn more about Limitless Living.

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