What If All Of Your Relationships Could Be Greater?
Posted by Julie D. Mayo
As a way of keeping a relationship fresh and on the creative edge, you can destroy and uncreate your relationship with anyone or anything every day. This will clear the projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections that tend to accumulate over time.
Using this tool can make any relationship greater. You can destroy and uncreate your relationship with a significant other, friends, family, your business, staff members, co-workers, money, your body, literally anyone or anything.
Follow the instructions below, inserting anyone or anything into the blank - you, your body, your significant other (or non-significant other), a family member, a friend, your business, etc.
To destroy and uncreate a relationship, run the following process:
“I destroy and uncreate my relationship with _______ and every projection, expectation, separation, judgment and rejection either of us has about each other or our relationship, from the past, present or future. Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all 100, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds®.”
Or, if you prefer the short version run this process:
“I destroy and uncreate my relationship with _______. Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all 100, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds.”
Then ask a generative question, such as:
“What would it take for my relationship with _______ to expand and grow?”
Have fun playing with this tool. There doesn't have to be a problem or an issue for this to work. You can do this as often as you like. I recommend doing this at least once a day, especially when something is up with someone or something.
What would it take for all of your relationships to contribute to you beyond what you could imagine is possible?
If you are wondering what those weird underlined words are that appear in bold text, you may be new to the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement. To learn more about this tool, check out my blog post The Clearing Statement: Your Magic Wand For Potent Change.
What if you could have ease, peace and joy with your body and your life? Learn more about Limitless Living. Explore Body Whispering.
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