Valentine Day Celebration | Access Possibilities | Las Vegas, Nevada

Valentine Day Celebration

Valentine Day Celebration with Julie D. Mayo

What if it was possible to have more ease with ALL your relationships - intimate and otherwise?

During this celebration, Access Possibilities founder, Julie D. Mayo will present a totally different perspective about relationships and give you some pragmatic tools you can use daily to have more ease with all your relationships, intimate and otherwise.

We'll kick off the celebration with a book reading from two different books - Divorceless Relationships and Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word But Relationship Often Times Is.

Following the book reading Julie with facilitate an introductory class - The 5 Elements of Intimacy.

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If desired option is not available, please call to check availability.

Registration Required 
Registration and payment required at least 48 hours before the start of class to secure your seat and gain admission to class. If you haven't registered, go to Valentine Day Celebration to register.

All Of Life Comes To Me With Ease, Joy & Glory!®

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