Wellness Events, Classes And Workshops
Wellness / Empowerment / Transformation / Possibilities
Our wellness events, classes and workshops will be unlike anything you have ever attended. Our wellness workshops will take you beyond health and wellness and transform your life by empowering you to know what is true for you.
Whether you are looking to reap the benefits personally by relaxing and nurturing your body with healing energies, you have a health challenge that you have not yet been able to change, or you work on other people's bodies and would like to enhance the healing you can do for others, our wellness workshops may be just what you are looking for.
Our wellness events, classes and workshops create more ease in the body, increase self-awareness, increase body-awareness, release limitation, trauma and restrictions, alleviate stress, anxiety and depression, reduce or eliminate acute and chronic pain, reverse the effects of aging, and activate the body's innate ability to balance and self-heal.
Our wellness workshops have been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, dissipating mind chatter, releasing trauma, reducing overwhelm, decreasing negative and limiting thought patterns, changing negative behavioral patterns, reducing pain, increasing energy, fewer judgments of them and their bodies, more ease throughout the body, improving overall wellbeing, and increasing feelings of calmness, inner peace, happiness and gratitude.
What if your life was about the adventure of living?

Access Bars, Access Energetic Facelift and Access Body Processes are hands-on holistic complementary techniques that activate the body's innate ability to balance and self-heal. These gentle touch holistic techniques do not interfere with any conventional or alternative treatments or therapy and have been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities. Learning these holistic techniques are open to everyone!
Body Whispering Introductory Classes

Body Whispering Introductory Classes are designed to give you the awareness that there is a totally different possibility available for you and your body. Each Body Whispering Intro explores a different body related topic. During class your facilitator Julie D. Mayo will present a totally different perspective about you and your body and give you some tools so that you can begin to recognize the gift that having a body can be. What if life here on planet earth was about the joy you could have with your body? Learn more about Body Whispering Classes.
Your Body Knows: A Body Whispering Intro

What if what goes on in our bodies is not what we've been told? And, what if changing it doesn't come from what we typically think is required? Are you and your body asking for something greater? What if starting a conversation with your body could be the beginning of the best friendship you ever had? What else is possible with your body that you never considered? What if there was a different possibility available for you, your body and your life? Learn more about Your Body Knows.
Introduction To Body Whispering

Introduction To Body Whispering is designed to give you the awareness that there is a totally different possibility available for you and your body. During this introductory class Body Whispering Facilitator Julie D. Mayo will present a totally different perspective about you and your body and give you some tools so that you can begin to relate to your body in a totally different way. What if our bodies are a contribution to our lives being greater? Learn more about Introduction To Body Whispering.
Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness

Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness is designed to give you a greater awareness of your body so that you can recognize the gift that having a body actually is. Created by Julie D. Mayo, this class will assist you in listening to your body and in opening up a dialog with your body so that you can begin to create a greater connection with your body. Having a body is such a huge gift, yet it's a gift we often overlook. Learn more about Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness.
Secrets From The Body Whisperer

Secrets From The Body Whisperer is a two-day intense exploration of what else is possible for you and your body. This body whispering workshop is designed to give you an awareness of what you and your body are truly capable of. Together, you and your body are a potent phenomenal efficacious energetic being capable of creating magic and miracles. Would you be willing to claim, own and acknowledge your talents, gifts and abilities? Learn more Secrets From The Body Whisperer.
Body Whispering 3 Day Intensive

Body Whispering 3 Day Intensive is a deep-dive intense exploration of Body Whispering and self-discovery. Our 3-Day Intensive is a combination of the two classes - Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness and Secrets From The Body Whisperer. These classes can be taken together as the Body Whispering 3-Day Intensive, or one at a time. Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness is a prerequisite for attending Secrets From The Body Whisperer. Learn more about our Body Whispering Classes.
Access Bars Class

Access Bars® are the starting point of a great adventure and something you can add to your life that will assist you in creating greater ease with your body and everything. The Bars® have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, weight, body image, health, wellness, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more! What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas? Practitioner certification upon class completion. Learn more about the Access Bars Class.
Access Energetic Facelift Class

What if you could look and feel younger without injecting botulinum, acupuncture needles, or creating other trauma to your body? Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. Access Energetic Facelift is a non-invasive, non-surgical, hands-on technique free of creams, injections and chemicals of any kind. Practitioner certification is available. Learn more about the Access Energetic Facelift Class.
Access Body Process Classes

MTVSS Body Process Class

MTVSS Body Process is often the tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning. MTVSS can have an incredibly dynamic effect on the immune system. Cancer and other potentially fatal diseases have been changed with regular running of this body process. The results of running MTVSS to undo trauma can be quite dramatic, providing ease and healing which years of more conventional treatment have not been able to provide. Learn more about MTVSS Body Process Class.
Access Bars Clinics For Mental Health Awareness

Access Possibilities has been contributing to raising Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Awareness since our conception. To help raise Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Awareness, Access Possibilities hosts Access Bars Clinics throughout the year. Access Bars Clinics are where people who are new to Access Bars® can receive an Access Bars Session. Are you looking for a spark of hope or for a different possibility? Learn more about Access Bars Clinics for Mental Health Awareness.
A Different Perspective on ADD, ADHD, OCD & Autism

What if what we have labeled as disabilities are really abilities? What if these are not neurological disorders, but more of a different way of being in the world? We will present a totally different perspective about Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism. You will learn some pragmatic tools and we will show you more about how to utilize a holistic approach with people on the spectrum. We affectionately refer to them as the X-Men. A level of brilliance that does not fit into this reality.
A Holistic Approach To Pain

Are you struggling with pain that you haven't been able to manage? Would you like to decrease the use of over the counter pain relievers or medication? Are you looking for natural alternative methods for pain relief? Learn what a holistic approach is, why you may want to consider it, and what the benefits are. Learn how to manage pain with the use of holistic complementary therapies. The therapies presented can be used with and complement any other treatment or therapies. Learn more about Alternative Solutions and the holistic approach.
Aromatherapy Essential Oil Classes

We offer several different aromatherapy essential oil classes and lectures. Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil Therapy, is the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. This natural holistic therapy seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process. Learn more about Aromatherapy Essential Oils.
Beyond Aging

What if age is a point of view you lock into your body? And, what if you could clear your points of view about aging and live a younger more vibrant life? What would it be like to melt away the judgment you have of the way you look? This introductory wellness workshop is the beginning of seeing and being with your body in a whole new way. Learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that stop your body from regenerating itself indefinitely. Learn more about Beyond Aging.
Intro To Access Bars

Intro to Access Bars is about having the tools to know what is true for you, to BE YOU, and to find you when you get lost in other people’s limited boxes. This wellness workshop is about having the possibilities you always wanted to show up, and when something doesn’t work, having the tools to change it, right then and there. During this introductory workshop Julie will go over some of the basic tools of Access Consciousness and introduce you to Access Bars®, a dynamic and easy-to-learn hands-on body process. Learn more about Intro To Access Bars.
Intro To Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy has been used for centuries to bring balance to the body and assist the body to self-heal. Crystal Healing is gaining popularity and crystals are being used to alleviate common ailments from minor aches and pains to major health issues and imbalances. Even the novice can learn how to use crystals and benefit from this natural holistic alternative therapy. Learn how to use crystals to balance the body, facilitate the body's healing process, and promote holistic health and wellness. Learn more about Intro To Crystal Therapy.
Intro To Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy is a holistic alternative therapy that is most commonly known for it's ability to alleviate pain. However, this natural therapy offers numerous other health benefits. This natural therapy is used to relieve stress depression headaches and pain, to accelerate and promote healing, and to slow disease processes such as cancer and infections. Learn how to use this natural therapy for pain relief and holistic health and wellness benefits. Learn more about Magnetic Therapy.
Introduction To Your Body

Introduction To Your Body is designed to give you the awareness that there is a totally different possibility available for you and your body. Most of us are walking around with no connection to our bodies; we gave that up when we were little kids. When you were a little kid you knew what you wanted to eat, you knew what you wanted to drink, you knew when you wanted to sleep, but nobody let you. What if you could restore the connection you had with your body when you were a little kid? Learn more about Introduction To Your Body wellness workshop.
So, Are You A Fish?

So, Are You A Fish? is an introductory class based on the book, 'Would You Teach a Fish To Climb a Tree?' by Anne Maxwell LCSW, Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. What if many of the labels that exist – such as autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD – are not disabilities at all? If we look at these from question and not judgment, what more can be discovered? What if autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD are abilities that are showing up in a way that doesn’t look like anything that we are used to?
Stress Relief Workshop

We all know that feeling when it seems like the sky is falling. And not just falling, but falling specifically on YOUR head! Stress seems to be a part of life that we have decided we just have to deal with or that appears to be the bi-product of creating a life we’d like to have. What if there was another way? The Stress Relief Workshop is an introductory wellness workshop that will give you a few simple tools to invite you to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Learn more about Stress Relief Workshop.
What Else Is Possible With Burnout?

Stress is one thing; Burnout is a totally different state of mind. Under stress, you still struggle to cope with pressures. But once burnout takes hold, you’re out of gas and you’ve given up all hope of surmounting your obstacles. Learn the signs of burnout, how to decrease stress and prevent burnout before it takes hold. Learn how to increase relaxation, mental health and happiness for you or your employees. What would it be like to create a work environment where staff are enthusiastic to be there?
Most of our wellness workshops include a manual and audio recording of the class. Register at least 48 hours before class begins to ensure you receive a manual, and call info if online.
By registering for class, you will be placed on Access Possibilities email list so that you can receive event information, reminders, class recordings and follow up emails.
Register via the links below for any class you are attending!
Upcoming Wellness Events, Classes and Workshops
For event details or to register select a link below!
Stress Relief Workshop | Jan 16 | Las Vegas, Nevada
This class is about inviting you to the possibility that angst and worry no longer have to exist in your world. Your life is a beautiful gift. Isn’t it time you had space to enjoy it more?
Stress Relief Workshop | Jan 16 | Access Possibilities | Live Class Details & Registration
During this one-day Access Bars Class, you will learn the Access Bars and participate in gifting two Access Bars sessions and receiving two Access Bars sessions. Upon class completion you will be a certified Access Bars® Practitioner. Class is open to everyone.
Access Bars Class | Jan 18 | Access Possibilities | Live Class Details & Registration
During this one-day Access Bars Class, you will learn the Access Bars and participate in gifting two Access Bars sessions and receiving two Access Bars sessions. Upon class completion you will be a certified Access Bars® Practitioner. Class is open to everyone.
Access Bars Class | Feb 23 | Access Possibilities | Live Class Details & Registration
Body Whispering 101: Body Awareness | Mar 21 | Las Vegas
Created by Julie D. Mayo, this class will show you how to relate to your body in a totally different way. Would you be willing to have a different relationship with your body?
Body Whispering 101 | Mar 21 | Access Possibilities | Live Class Details & Registration
Secrets From The Body Whisperer | Mar 22-23 | Las Vegas
Created by Julie D. Mayo, this class will show you how to be the magic you and your body truly be. Would you be willing to claim, own and acknowledge your talents, gifts and abilities?
Secrets From The Body Whisperer | Mar 22-23 | Access Possibilities | Details & Registration
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For upcoming workshops, classes and events check our event schedule.
Would You Like To Host A Wellness Workshop?
Planning a wellness retreat or looking for something unique to offer your clientele? Our wellness events, classes and workshops are a great contribution to any health and wellness business, high-end spas, yoga studios, wellness centers, behavioral health centers, recovery programs, support groups, body workers, professionals who help people with stress, anxiety, aging, pain or trauma; the possibilities are endless! the possibilities are endless! To inquire about hosting or to have us provide content for your next event contact us.