MTVSS Body Process

MTVSS Body Process is one of the most potent Access Body Processes. MTVSS is often the tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning. The results of running MTVSS to undo trauma can be quite dramatic, providing ease and healing which years of more conventional treatment have not been able to provide.
When we run the MTVSS Body Process we are activating and running more than 20 different energies on the body. MTVSS can be used a thousand different ways and each time it creates a different possibility.
MTVSS affects the immune system no matter how it is run. It seems to especially affect the immune system when run on the joints. When someone has any kind of difficulty, which involves the immune system, this is often the first process to run.
Your body has the ability to regenerate itself, but unfortunately we tend to have the point of view that our bodies have to die. If you do MTVSS 20-30 times, your whole body structure will change. You will rewrite the blueprint of your body. Dramatic changes have occurred for many people. MTVSS unlocks programming that keeps your body from becoming humanoid embodiment.
Drugs interfere with the way brain neurons send, receive and process signals via neurotransmitters. Drugs can lead to abnormal messages being sent through the entire network. MTVSS has been used to remove the effects of drugs as they are stored in the cerebral cortex which affects overall brain and body function.
MTVSS is often the tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning
Different Ways Of Using MTVSS
- As a immune system booster, with or without other body processes afterwards.
- As an overall body immune system stimulant.
- As an overall body process to undo programming which has distorted the blueprint of our bodies.
- As a way to make our bodies function with more ease during workouts or exertion such as walking uphill.
- As a specific tune-up to ease difficulties with different areas of the body.
- To undo the effects of drugs on the brain and other body systems.
MTVSS On The Immune System
MTVSS Body Process is an immune system booster and stimulant. MTVSS can have an incredibly dynamic effect on the immune system. Cancer and other potentially fatal diseases have been changed with regular running of this process.
The immune system booster as run on all the joints (especially on the spine which alone has 110 joints) is especially indicated for dysfunction of the immune system involving the bone marrow, such as bone cancer and leukemia. This immune system booster can be a precursor to other body processes as well.
MTVSS has been found helpful for people with autoimmune disorders and for those who have a suppressed or compromised immune system regardless of the underlying cause including chemotherapy.
MTVSS On Body Systems And Organs
In addition to running MTVSS on the whole body and on the immune system, the following are individual places that MTVSS can be run to create a result.
- Central Nervous System
- Digestive System
- Electrical System
- Integumentary System (skin)
- Lymphatic System
- Metabolism and Metabolic Rate
- Reproductive System
- Respiratory System
- Skeletal System
MTVSS For Exercise

Many people have reported getting the results of a 90 minute workout in as little as 10 or 20 minutes when running MTVSS on themselves during their workout. I enjoy running this process on myself during my walks, hikes, rebounding, using my Chi Machine and pretty much during any activity. When you are faced with a strenuous situation such as climbing hills you are not used to, you can use MTVSS the same way. You may find you are much less winded.
Results People Have Reported Using MTVSS
- One woman in Texas used MTVSS nightly on her husband, doing it on the joints of the spine, and reversed stage 3 bone cancer.
- It has been used to reset dislocated fractured bones.
- It has been used (in one 45 minutes session) to eliminate the need for surgery in someone with internal tissue herniated into the vagina.
- It restored normal function to muscles in someone totally unable to move with Guillain-Barre syndrome.
- Done on the joints it seems to have an effect on the immune system and it can also work on leukemia although you would have to do it daily for at least 8 weeks to accomplish this.
- A facilitator reports, “One person I work with has passed 3 fibroids since we’ve been doing MTVSS on her belly. She also works on herself. She was scheduled to have a hysterectomy this month.”
- A body worker and facilitator reports: “I run MTVSS on my body as I massage clients. I used to think I could give the client ‘everything’ and suck energy through their bodies, running whatever I could think of during the session, anything to keep from getting bored. My body would feel lackluster and tired from doing this and the client would leave feeling like they never got enough. Now I just run MTVSS on my body during the session and, if their body wants to have it run, it runs simultaneously. My clients get blissed out so much faster and I can literally feel their body purring about 1 minute into the massage. My body feels great after the session, I don’t get any pain from massaging, and it keeps me present with the energy. Oh, and my tips have increased. How does it get even better than that?”
MTVSS Body Process Session

MTVSS is an easy and relaxing way to strengthen your immune system naturally and dynamically. MTVSS Body Process is one of the most potent Access Body Processes. It is often the tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning. MTVSS can have a major effect on the immune system. The results of running MTVSS to undo trauma can be quite dramatic, providing ease and healing which years of more conventional treatment have not been able to provide. Book a MTVSS Body Process Session.
MTVSS Body Process Class

MTVSS Body Process is one of the most potent Access Body Processes. When we run MTVSS we are activating and running more than 20 different energies on the body. This is a way you can begin to recognize that you have hands-on healing abilities. You can change all kinds of things with people’s bodies and your own. MTVSS rewrites the blueprint of your body. Dramatic changes have occurred for many people. This class covers all the different ways to use and run the MTVSS Body Process. Learn more about our MTVSS Body Process Class.
Access Body Processes

Access Body Processes unlock the tension, resistance and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically. Access Body Processes are unique hands-on techniques that create dynamic change. Everything from boosting the immune system, weight loss, reversal of aging, to creating what the rest of the world considers miracles on a daily basis. There are more than 50 different hands-on body processes. What if the greatness of embodiment was about the fun you could have with your body? Learn more about Access Body Process Sessions.
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