Energetic Synthesis Of Structural Embodiment Session
Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment Session
ESSE is a unique body work that combines the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® with hands on techniques targeting the body's connective tissue or fascia located throughout every inch of the body. ESSE is designed to create changes in the structure and form of the body resulting in more ease with movement, and improved function of the body and the energetic body systems.
ESSE contributes to you and your body releasing restrictions, limitations, and judgments that have solidified in the body. Instead of coming from the place that the body is inherently wrong and needs fixing, ESSE invites the body to unfix the rigidities that keep you and your body from living as a generative possibility in the world.
An Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment Session (ESSE) is a hands-on process that requires being done in person to receive the full benefits. Allow 50 minutes for your session.
Booking Instructions
Booking is a 2-step process. Complete both steps now to secure appointment.
Step 1. Make Payment: Select option(s), add to cart, complete checkout process.
Step 2. Schedule appointment at Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment Booking Page. (These steps can also be completed in reverse order).