Massage Table Rental for Body Gifting and Receiving Event | Access Possibilities

Rental Body Gifting And Receiving Massage Table

Body Gifting And Receiving Massage Table Rental at Access Possibilities

A limited number of massage tables will be available to rent during the event with advance booking, while supply lasts. Linens not included. Due to limited supply, if you plan to rent a massage table, we recommend you book a table as soon as you know you are attending.

Linens are not included with rental. Every event attendee needs to bring at least one pillow and one blanket; two pillows and two blankets are even better; even if you are renting a massage table for an event.


Booking Instructions
Select the appropriate booking option before adding your item to the cart.

If desired option is not available, please call to check availability.

Paying in advance reserves a massage table for you to use only at Access Possibilities during the booked event.

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