Spirit Communication Session
Spirit Communication Session with Julie D. Mayo
Has someone who has transitioned been attempting to communicate with you? Do you get a sense that a family member or loved one who has passed on or transitioned has been attempting to communicate with you? Are you unclear of the message or have you been struggling to receive the information?
Do you desire to communicate with a friend, family member or loved one who has passed on or left this physical plane? Julie can facilitate you to communicate with any person, pet or animal that is open to having the communication.
As part of the grieving process or healing after the loss of someone, often having one last communication can facilitate the healing process for us; it can also assist and facilitate the departed to move forward in their journey.
During this session Julie will facilitate you to communicate with any person, pet or animal that is open to having the communication.
Spirits (beings without bodies) often have an effect on electronics; therefore, this session is offered in person. Allow 50 minutes for your session.
Booking Instructions
Booking is a 2-step process. Complete both steps now to secure appointment.
Step 1. Make Payment: Select option(s), add to cart, complete checkout process.
Step 2. Schedule appointment at Spirit Communication Booking Page. (These steps can also be completed in reverse order).