pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips For Urine And Saliva - 90 Count
pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips for Urine and Saliva - 90 test strips per bottle.
pHion are the best testing strips available for discovering the pH of your body. Testing your pH is important because if you are overly acidic, you may feel low energy... find it difficult to lose weight... experience poor digestion... suffer from aches and pains... and even fall victim to more serious disorders. Too much acid can wreak havoc on your health!
If you care enough about your body to test your pH, do it the right way. Litmus paper won't give you a truly accurate pH reading because it bleeds when it gets wet, which makes it quite a challenge to determine the color. pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips differ in that the reagent is affixed to a plastic strip, so there's no paper, no bleeding and no mess. Plus, pHion Stix measure a wider range (4.5 - 9.0) and they are the only test strips on the market that can pass through a urine stream without having the reagent bleed, making them exceptionally easy to read.
Simply put, pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips measure a wider pH range more accurately!
pHion Advantages:
True results. Super sensitive pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips give you an extremely accurate reading of how acidic or alkaline your tissues really are.
No guesswork. Because our strips are separated in small 0.25 unit increments, you'll know down to the decimal what your pH is.
Versatile. pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips can test both urine and saliva to give you the most complete picture of your pH.
Economical. pHion Diagnostic pH Test Strips are more accurate, more versatile and easier to read than litmus paper, yet they're surprisingly affordable.
Practitioner preferred. With all the benefits, it's no wonder so many practitioners recommend the pHion brand!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a physician or medical practitioner before taking any dietary supplement, especially if nursing or pregnant.