Limitless Living
Limitless Living: Creating A Life Beyond Limitation
What if you could go beyond limitation and create a life and reality that actually works for you? What if no problem existed that you couldn't change? If you created your reality beyond limitation, what would it look like?
What Is Limitless Living?
Limitless Living is about accessing the infinite possibilities that are available to you. What if you could create a life greater than what you currently have and more than what you could imagine? What if your life was about having and being everything you came here to be? What if you could have everything you desire and more?
When you become aware that you actually create everything that shows up in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, you have a chance to step into much more power and potency.
Limitless Living aka Conscious Living is about going beyond the lies and limitation of this reality, and creating your own reality - a reality that actually works for you. It's about creating a life greater than what you currently have and more than you ever imagined possible.
"Limitless Living is about living beyond limitation and inviting, creating and embracing possibilities. It's about functioning from consciousness and having infinite choice." - Julie D. Mayo
Functioning From Consciousness
Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, to reject nothing, and to allow the entire Universe to be what it is. Consciousness is the willingness and capacity to be totally aware, totally present in all areas of your life. Consciousness is the ability to continually awaken to more possibility, more choice and more life.
What if you could create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine? What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you were to open the doors to being everything you have decided is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?
For anything to not be working for you, you have to be functioning from unconsciousness or anti-consciousness. Whenever you cut off your awareness, you are not present. This can make life difficult to navigate. When you are totally present, life can be filled with more ease, joy and glory.
When you are willing to function from consciousness you open the doors to all healing. You have more ease with your body and your life gets easier too. You may even smile more and have more fun. Are you willing?
Imagine living your life from a totally different perspective and functioning in a totally different way that creates more ease for you, your body, and the planet.
If you were to function from question, choice, possibilities and contribution, what would that create?
You Are An Infinite Being
What if you were to acknowledge you as the conscious energetic infinite being you truly are, and stepped into generating a life beyond the you, you think you are? As an infinite being you have the capacity to function from infinite perceiving, knowing, being and receiving. As an infinite being you have the capacity to function from consciousness. As an infinite being all things are possible all the time and you have total choice.
Limitless Living Page Resources
Tools For Limitless Living | Limitless Living Blog | Limitless Living Classes
Tools For Limitless Living
Is now the time to be the magic, miracles and possibilities you truly be? Tools for Limitless Living empower you to go beyond limitation and this reality and step into and be the magic, miracles and possibilities you truly be! These tools will empower you to create change and greater awareness if you use them. The following tools are from Access Consciousness®.
Tip: The bold text below are tools you can use, including the questions! Verbal processes or clearings are underlined text. To stay up-to-date when we add new tools check back often or to stay in the know subscribe to our newsletter!
Knowing What Is True For You
Tool: Light Or Heavy

In this reality it can be easy to get lost in other people's opinions, beliefs, points of view, realities, limited boxes, or whatever you want to call it.
Knowing what is actually true for you can prevent you from getting lost in other people's limited boxes and prevent you from being embroiled in heaviness.
Part of functioning from consciousness is knowing what is true for you and being willing to continually expand your awareness. Many of us have cut off our awareness for a very long time, even lifetimes.
So how do you access your knowing and know what is actually true for you? I'd like to introduce you to an easy to use tool: Light or Heavy. Read full article...
Inviting Infinite Possibilities | Ask A Question
Tool: Living In And As The Question

Did you know that inviting possibilities into your life can be as easy as asking a question?
Asking generative questions is a great way to expand your life and living. When you ask a question, you are not looking for an answer; you are looking to gain awareness. A question takes you out of conclusion and opens the door to possibilities.
If you'd like to live beyond limitation and this reality you've got to come out of conclusion; conclusions lead to limitation. You've got to live in and as the question.
Here are some questions you can ask and play with to get you started:
- Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures will I have? - This is a great question to start every day with!
- How does it get any better than this?
- What else is possible?
Living in and as the question is a way of inviting magic to show up in your life, it invites the universe to contribute to you on a whole new level, and it invites infinite possibilities! Read full article...
POC & POD: The Superheroes of Consciousness
Tool: The Clearing Statement
I'd like to introduce you to two little guys that may be short, but they pack quite the punch! POC & POD The Superheroes of Consciousness. These two little guys destroy and uncreate limitations, judgments and lies everywhere they go! You might be familiar with their larger counterpart The Clearing Statement from Access Consciousness® - Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, POVADs and beyonds®.
Have you ever wished you had a magic wand that could change anything? Well, now you do. It’s called The Clearing Statement. What if a few weird words could totally change your life?
When you feel heavy, stuck, or in the yuck here are a couple of clearings you can run:
Everything this is. Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, POVADs and beyonds.
Everything that is. Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, POVADs and beyonds.
Everything I've done to create this. Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, POVADs and beyonds.
Or, if you prefer the shorter version, you can put POC & POD to work:
Everything this is. POC & POD. Or, Everything that is. POC & POD.
Everything I've done to create this. POC & POD.
Note: Long or short, it will work either way! You don't have to say it out loud, you can say it in your head, and it will still work! You don't have to understand it for it to work!

The Clearing Statement is like having your own magic wand that can change anything! It can be used to change anything in your life that is not working for you! After searching for more than 20 years for something that actually works, this is by far the quickest and easiest way I've come across to clear limitations, judgments, non-serving beliefs, limited points of view and lies I bought as real and true. Read full article...
Is It Really Yours? | Or Are You Aware Of Others?
Tool: Who Does This Belong To?

You are far more psychic than you ever give yourself credit for. 98% of your thoughts feelings and emotions don’t belong to you. You are like the psychic Sponge Bob of the universe. You are aware!
If you are hearing this for the first time, I get that this information can be a bit much to wrap your head around! Who does this belong to? is the tool that would probably create the most freedom for people, yet it tends to be the tool people use the least. It has created massive change in my life, and I still use it EVERYDAY!!!
You think that if you have a thought in your head, feel something in your body, or experience an emotion, it must be yours. It’s never yours. When you get that, you will finally have total freedom. Read full article....
You Are Not Wrong | You Never Were
Tool: Stop Judging You

Stop judging you! You're not wrong, you never were. We learned so early in our lives that judging ourselves was the appropriate thing to do and that that was how to be in the world. What if judging you is the most unkind thing you’ve ever done to you? What if you no longer had to judge you? What if none of the choices you have ever made, and what if nothing you have ever done was wrong? If you truly acknowledged that, what would that change? If you'd like to achieve Limitless Living, you've got to stop judging you.
Creating More Ease Joy & Glory With Everything
Tool: The Access Consciousness Mantra

What if there was an easy way to have more ease, joy and glory in your life? If your target is Limitless Living why not choose more ease, joy and glory too?
A tool to change your life. The Access mantra is a tool you can use daily to create more ease, joy and glory in your life.
Say the Access mantra: All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory®* at least ten times every morning and ten times every evening and see what shows up.
*Glory is exuberant expression and abundance of life.
Using this tool ten times every morning and ten times every evening will change your life!
This is also a great tool to use when you are in your head thinking or have that monkey mind chatter going on. Repeat the mantra until the mind chatter is gone or until you are more present.
Are You Creating Lack Or Abundance?
Tool: I Don't Want Money

If you recognize that the word want means to lack, and you listen to yourself, you'll see that you're using it all the time, especially if you have the point of view that you are not abundant.
Instead of creating from I want money, allow yourself to create from I don't want money, because every time you say, I want more money, you're saying, I lack of it - and that's exactly what shows up in your life.
Try this: Say, I don't want money ten times:
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
I don't want money.
What happened? Did saying I don't want money ten times make you feel lighter or heavier?
Lighter refers to a sense of expansion and possibility, and a greater sense of space. You may even have smiled or laughed out loud.
Heavier refers to a feeling of contraction, of things feeling weighted down, or less possibility.
I don't want money is a tool you can use when you are in your head thinking or stressing about money. Repeat, I don't want money until you feel lighter or stop thinking about money and become more present.
Changing Your Financial Reality
Tool: What If Receiving Money Was As Easy As Breathing?

What if it could be easier than you ever imagined to change your financial reality? What if instead of functioning from lies and conclusions you were to start asking questions?
What if receiving money was as easy as breathing?
Does money seem like more of a struggle than a pleasure? Have you decided you can’t have money, can’t have ease with money, or can’t have fun with money?
What choices have you made that are limiting the amount of money you have showing up in your life? What points of view do you have about money that limits the amount of money you can have and receive?
Tool: What would it take to have never enough money and more than you could spend?
What would it take to have never enough money and more than you could spend?
What if asking these questions could be the beginning of changing your financial reality?
I have used many money tools to change my financial reality, including the two questions above (see bold text). For more money tools and resources Read full article...
What If All Of Your Relationships Could Be Greater?
Tool: Destroy and Uncreate Your Relationships Every Day

As a way of keeping a relationship fresh and on the creative edge, you can destroy and uncreate your relationship with anyone or anything every day. This will clear the projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections that tend to accumulate over time.
There does not have to be a “problem” to use this tool. Using this tool can make any relationship greater. You can destroy and uncreate your relationship with a significant other, friends, family, your business, staff members, co-workers, money, your body, literally anyone or anything. Read full article...
Limitless Living Includes Your Conscious Body

Are you aware that your body is conscious and knows exactly what it desires and requires? Your body is a sensational, sensate, sensorial organism designed to give you information. Your body is giving you information all the time. What if your body could actually guide you to what would create more peace, space, joy and possibility for you, your body, and your life? What if your body could facilitate you to greater awareness of what is actually true for you? What contribution is your body that you haven't yet acknowledged? In your journey of Limitless Living what if you invited your body to come along? Explore Body Whispering.

Limitless Living | Access Possibilities Blog
Ready for more tools and a deeper dive into the topic of Limitless Living? Welcome to Access Possibilities Limitless Living Blog. This is the place to begin exploring the topic of Limitless Living. Browse below or check out all Limitless Living blog posts.
How To Go Beyond The Past And Create Something Greater

Are you aware that whenever you judge something as the best, it doesn't allow anything greater to show up? This is true for everything. The universe, your body, everything has to match your reality.
Before I was aware of this, I used to limit so many things which kept something greater from showing up. I would judge a particular restaurant or food as being the best. I even judged my favorite clothes as being the best... the best pants, the best socks, the best dress, etc. This kept anything better or greater from showing up. No wonder clothes shopping became such an unpleasant chore! And often, even when returning to the same restaurant, the food would suck or never be as good as I had judged it to be. Read full article...
Our Thoughts Create Our Reality: The Results We Have With Everything

Our thoughts create our reality, the results we have with everything. This includes our bodies. When something isn’t working for us, it’s often not just one thing going on, there can be many different underlying causes or reasons for the problem or limitation to exist. And it’s not the same for everyone. What’s going on for one person can be totally different than what’s going on for someone else. It’s not black and white or linear, it’s never just this equals that. Read full article...
Creating Change With The Access Bars

What if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough, that you don't deserve whatever it is you desire or that you can’t accomplish what you hope and dream for?
We have been exposed to programming since long before our conception. We even carry programming with us that we acquired in previous lifetimes. When we embody in this reality, we not only bring previous programming with us, we tend to function from thoughts, feelings, emotions, which are the lower harmonics of being. Because of this, we are often affected by our environment. We are at the effect of the world around us. Read full article...
How Are The Bars, Verbal Processing & Facilitation Different?

If you are looking for quick and easy change, three of the most potent tools I know of and have experienced first hand for creating dynamic change are Access Bars, Verbal Processing and Facilitation.
I am often asked; how are The Bars, Verbal Processing and Facilitation different? The Bars, Verbal Processing and Facilitation are the quickest and easiest ways I've seen that can change any limitation or point of view. So, let's dive into what makes each one different and how they work. Read full article...
Classes For Limitless Living
Are you ready to experience Limitless Living first hand? Expanding your awareness and functioning from consciousness are just the beginning of exploring a world of Limitless Living. Julie D. Mayo is available to work with you one-on-one in person or online. Do you prefer more of a group setting? Julie facilitates an array of classes where she presents a unique perspective and will empower you as you increase self-awareness, increase body-awareness, expand your consciousness, explore infinite possibilities, and have a greater sense and awareness of what Limitless Living and being conscious is truly about.
Body Whispering Classes

What if you could receive everything from your body exactly as it is, with no judgment? What if you were to acknowledge your body as the gift it truly is? Our Body Whispering classes give you pragmatic tools, techniques and processes you can use daily to change what is not working for you and your body. What contribution would learning the language of your body be to your life, living, reality, and the planet? What if your body could facilitate you to awareness of greater embodiment and limitless living? Learn more about our Body Whispering Classes.
Access Bars Class

Access Bars are the starting point of a great adventure and something you can add to your life that will assist you in creating greater ease with your body and everything. The Bars is a relaxing and nurturing process releasing hundreds of thousands of thoughts, feelings, emotions, limitations, and judgments each time The Bars are run. Attending an Access Bars Class is a brilliant contribution to Limitless Living. The Bars is a one-day class with practitioner certification. Learn more about the Access Bars Class.
Access Body Process Classes

Attending Access Body Process Classes are a great contribution to Limitless Living. Access Body Processes help you increase your awareness of your body so you can know when your body is communicating with you. These body processes facilitate oneness with the body. When you’re in oneness with the body, there are no barriers between you and your body. You’re totally vulnerable with your body and completely present. Would enjoying your body more change your life? Learn more about Access Body Process Classes.
Access Energetic Facelift Class

Access Energetic Facelift Class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Access Facelift and participate in gifting two Facelift sessions and receiving two Facelift sessions. Access Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. Become an Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner. What contribution could learning Access Energetic Facelift be to your life, living, body, and reality? Learn more about the Access Energetic Facelift Class.
Limitless Living Testimonials
Julie weave's Limitless Living tools into her private sessions, group sessions, classes and events. Here's what people are saying...
"Julie is a kind soul" |
"Julie is a kind soul. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in holistic health and wellness. She is also a master body whisperer who can help you get in tune with your body and transform from dis-ease to ease." Talaya |
"Julie is simply amazing!!!!" |
"Julie is simply amazing!!!! She has assisting me in transforming some really big things in my life very rapidly! I love her and would highly recommend working with her you will see miracles in your life." Cynthia |
"Julie is very aware of the possibilities" |
"Julie is very aware of the possibilities, and practices herself what she teaches to people. Her facilitation allows people to create greater possibilities in their reality with much more ease." Edith |
"Thank you Julie for opening my world up." |
"What am I supposed to be doing? What is my purpose? Those were the questions I had prior to being exposed to Access Consciousness. I have been a mental health therapist for over 10 years and wanted to do more. I felt like there were still other ways to help people and that I was limited in how much I could help. It was not until I took an Access Consciousness Introduction with Julie, that I realized how limited I was and how I was limiting my life. After an hour session, my life changed tremendously. It was as if I was able to see infinite possibilities in my life and that they were attainable. Because of this introduction I have chosen to also become a holistic practitioner and am now sharing the tools with family and friends to help them clear their limitations. I have noticed a significant change in my relationships and my bank account, because I truly, choose to live a life of ease, joy and glory and live in question. How does it get any better than that and what else is possible? Thank you Julie for opening my world up." Shimeka |
Is Now The Time For You To Embrace Limitless Living?
How are you doing with the Limitless Living tools and information above? Are things in your life getting a bit easier, a bit lighter? If not, please don't get discouraged. Practice playing with the tools without being attached to a particular outcome. Do you need some assistance? I am here for you if you would like some assistance. Perhaps are you ready for more Limitless Living tools or you'd like to go beyond this reality and start embracing Limitless Living now?